Darkness Unbound(23)


He was giving me that look again—the one that suggested I was an idiot.


"The problem with shutting the gates permanently is the fact that it would not only stop things from breaking through, but also prevent things from leaving.” He paused, his oddly colored eyes searching mine and leaving a strange sensation of dread stirring in the pit of my stomach. "Which means no soul could move on. And that would be a disaster that could destroy us all.”


Chapter Three


I STARED AT HIM FOR SEVERAL MINUTES, THE implications running through my mind.


The dead permanently caught in this world? A flood of ghosts who were both angry and confused, never able to move on and not understanding why? That would certainly be hell on earth for those of us able to see and feel them.


But a disaster that could destroy us all? Wasn't that overstating it a little?


"Your expression suggests you don't understand the true danger," he said. "But think on it. If souls cannot move on, they cannot be reborn into new flesh. Where would that leave the human—and nonhuman—races?"


"Up shit creek without a paddle, if your expression is anything to go by," I said. "But by saying that, you're suggesting no new souls are ever created. And yet the population of the world continues to grow, so that can't be true."


He nodded gravely and entwined his fingers, oddly reminding me of a professor I'd had—both as a teacher and as a lover—in college. They'd both had the same sort of grave, all-knowing air.


Although it has to be said that the professor had never been as hot as this reaper, in clothes or out.


"New lives—and new souls—are created daily, true, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of these new beings contain old souls."


"Is there a finite number of new souls?" I asked curiously. "And is there a limit to the number of people the earth can carry? I can't imagine it's the master plan of whoever is in charge to keep adding souls until our world collapses under the weight of us all."


He smiled. Once again it was merely a quirk of the lips, but my pulse nevertheless tripped happily at the sight.


"There are always limits," he said, his deep voice low, creating nearly as much havoc as his almost-smile. "That is why there have been—and always will be—natural disasters. Once a limit has been reached, the clock is reset."


It was a hard statement to believe and yet, if you were inclined to believe in a higher power looking over us all, then it wasn't such a big leap.