Darkness Splintered(6)

And while my father and the Raziq had been relatively patient so far when it came to my lack of progress on the key front, I doubted that would last. They'd already threatened to destroy those I loved if I didn't find the keys. I wouldn't put it past any of them to actually kill someone close to me, just to prove how serious they were.


As if tearing me apart to place the tracker in my heart hadn't already proved that.


"Calling her should definitely be a high priority," Ilianna agreed. "But come and eat first. You look like death warmed up."


No surprise there, given I nearly had been. "So what's stopping Hunter or the Cazadors from physically finding us?"


"She probably could, given enough time. While the spell is designed to confuse astral senses, they'd still have a general idea of location."


"But all she has to do is hack into my phone —"


"Which was left at home," Ilianna interrupted. "Along with anything else that could be used to track you. We're not that dumb."


No, they weren't. And Hunter was undoubtedly hassling Tao simply because she couldn't get to anyone else. Even she had more sense than to contact Aunt Riley. I might not be related by blood to Riley, but she and her pack were the only family I had left. They would not have reacted nicely to the news that Hunter was after me. "Knowing Hunter as well as I now do, I'm surprised she hasn't done more than merely threaten him."


Hell, she probably considered a spot of bloody torture a good way to start the day. Although, given that Tao was rapidly losing the battle with the fire elemental he'd consumed, maybe I should be hoping the bitch did attempt to torture him. Crispy fried Hunter was a sight I wouldn't mind seeing.


"She's given him until tonight to find you, so there's time. You need to regain some strength before you run off to confront that psycho bitch."


"Ain't that the truth," I muttered. "Especially now that I have to do it alone."


Ilianna hesitated, then said quietly, "Look, I don't know what actually went on between you and Azriel, but —"


Something twisted deep inside me. Pain rose, a knife-sharp wave that threatened to engulf me. No, I reminded myself fiercely, you can't go there. Not just yet. Not so soon after waking. I needed at least some time to mull over the implications of my actions by myself.


"Ilianna," I said, when I could, "leave it alone."


"But he wouldn't have left you —"