Darkness Splintered(4)

"Because we figured a change of scenery might get you out of your funk. You coming down for lunch?"


"Funk" was definitely the polite description of what I'd been through the past few days. "Lunch would be good," I said, even as my stomach rumbled rather loudly.


Ilianna's eyebrows rose at the noise. I grinned and walked down the rest of the stairs, only to be enveloped in a hug so fierce I swear she was trying to squeeze the last drop of air from my lungs.


"God," she whispered. "It's good to have you back."


I blinked back the sting of tears and returned her hug. "I'm sorry, Ilianna. I didn't mean to worry you. I just —" 


"Needed to cut loose a little," she finished for me. "I understand. More than anyone else ever could."


It was gently said, but nevertheless a reminder that I wasn't the only one who'd been played and abused. Guilt swirled through me and I pulled back, my gaze searching hers.


"Are you —"


"Yes," she said, interrupting before I could finish. "As I said in the hospital, my pregnancy was meant to be, even if the method of conception was both unforeseen and unwelcome. But we are not discussing me and my pregnancy right now."


I half smiled. No, we were discussing me and mine. "I've a feeling I'm about to be told off."


"Not told off. Just… warned."


Tension rolled through me. "About what?"


She hesitated. "While I understand your need to cut loose after everything that has happened recently, others do not, and they are looking for you. Specifically, one person. And she's not someone any of us should piss off."


"Hunter." I practically spat the word.


Madeline Hunter was the head of the Directorate, a top-ranking member of the high vampire council, and a monster clothed in vampire skin. She was also, unfortunately, my boss, thanks to an agreement I'd made the day I'd scattered my mother's ashes.