Darkness Splintered(55)


"And how would I know that, Azriel? You fought our relationship until the bitter end and, even then, only gave in because you needed to recharge so you could heal me."


"Because I could not bear to see you hurt like that again. It would kill me."


His words sung through me. He might never come out and say he loved me – hell, for all I knew there was no reaper equivalent of love – but he'd finally acknowledged that he cared, deeply, and that was really all that mattered right now.


But it didn't erase any of the problems that stood between us. The barrier of being from different worlds might now have disintegrated because of his actions, but that didn't lessen any of the other problems. Quite the opposite, in fact.


"And you not being completely honest is killing me," I said softly. "There's been too many secrets and half-truths between us, Azriel. If we're to have any hope of a long-lasting relationship, then that has to stop."


He studied me for a moment, his expression as still as ever save for that muscle along his jawline. And it spoke volumes. "And this is what you wish? A long-lasting relationship?"


"I don't know if it's possible, Azriel. There's more to our differences than just physiology." I hesitated, and gave him a twisted half smile. "But yeah, I'd like to at least see if this thing between us could become permanent."


"Why?" His voice was still harsh. Unforgiving. And yet, just for an instant, a turbulent mix of joy and fear surged down the link, briefly threatening to fry my mind. "Do you wish it because we are now tied through eternity and you have little other choice? Or is it merely for the sake of our son that you desire it?"


Shock coursed through me and for a moment I could do nothing more than stare at him. Then I licked my lips and said, a little hoarsely, "Our son? We're going to have a son?"


He smiled. It was like sunshine breaking through storm clouds, and it bathed me in a heat that echoed through every part of me. "Yes. I felt his resonance when I pulled your soul back from the brink of death."


I stared at him for a moment longer, then threw myself across the distance that pided us. His arms came around me, his hug fierce, as if he never intended to let me go again.


"You have no idea how ridiculously happy that makes me." I pulled back a little, my gaze searching his. "But to answer your question, I don't want a relationship because I'm stuck with you or because I carry our child. I want a relationship because I woke up this morning and realized I might just damn well love you, despite your being one of the most pigheaded, stubborn, and downright frustrating beings I've ever known."


He took a deep, shuddering breath, and slowly released it. He skimmed my cheek, then my lips, leaving them tingling with warmth as he tucked his fingers under my chin and gently tilted it upward. "Those words are a music I never thought I'd hear."


Then he kissed me. Softly, sweetly, tenderly. And there was so much warmth and caring swirling through the link it felt like I was drowning. But oh, what a way to go.


The kiss, however, ended far too swiftly for my liking. I growled softly, and he half smiled. "I know, and I'm sorry, but we still have a problem."