Darkness Splintered(170)

I hesitated, wondering if his being here was actually safe for Stane, then mentally slapped myself. Stane was probably in more danger from my actions than from any possibility that Tao would hurt him. So I simply said, "Do you need anything brought here from home?"


He shook his head. "Whatever I need, I'll borrow from Stane. I just don't —" he paused, and half shrugged. "Keep in contact."


"I will." I squeezed his arm gently, and tried to ignore the heat so evident in his flesh, even through the barrier of his clothes. The elemental was far from finished with this battle. 


Fear washed through me yet again, but there was nothing I could do but ignore it. And hope that fate had a better plan for him than an eternity locked in nothing but fire. I turned to Azriel. "Let's head to Adeline's, and see if she can help us."


He nodded, caught my hand, and a heartbeat later we were standing outside Adeline's front gate. I raised an eyebrow. "Why not inside?"


"Because she would not appreciate such an unannounced intrusion, and given we wish her help, I thought this wiser."


"Good thinking," I said, and opened the wrought iron front gate.


"Someone in this team has to do it," he replied evenly.


It took a moment for me to realize I'd just been insulted. By Azriel, of all people. My gaze shot to his, and I saw the amusement lurking underneath the serious expression. "I can't believe you just said that!"


"Is not such a comment almost expected in this world?"


I grinned. "Yeah, but it's not something I expected from you."


The amusement grew. "Alas, the more time I spend in flesh, the more human my tendencies become."


"So I've got a lifetime of insults to look forward to?"


"Only if you do something that would warrant such a comment."


"I've hardly done something now."