Darkness Splintered(169)

"None that I can find. Doesn't mean there isn't one, of course." He leaned across to another screen. "There is, however, a link between Sands and Macintyre. It's tenuous, and I'm trying to uncover more details, but it would seem that twenty-eight years ago, Sands invested in a property that Macintyre subsequently purchased."


My eyebrows rose. "The Maribyrnong warehouse was purchased by the shelf company some twenty-eight years ago, too."


"Yeah. Odd coincidence, don't you think?" He half smiled. "Macintyre no longer owns the property. According to records, she sold it five years ago."


"And the new owners?"


"It went through several, and ended up being one of the properties purchased by the consortium owned by John Nadler."


"And round and round the circle goes," Tao commented. "Only it seems to stop at exactly the same spot."


Stane glanced at him. "Yeah. I'm currently doing a search on all the owners between Macintyre and Nadler, just to see what I come up with."


"It's worth a shot." If nothing else, it might give us some home addresses to search. I mean, sooner or later, we had to hit gold. Or, in this case, a legitimate address that actually had the person registered as the former owner actually living there.


"Anything else?" Stane said.


I smiled. "That's enough, don't you think?"


"Well, I am becoming accustomed to my crates of top-shelf champagne. Not sure how I'll manage once all this over."


My smiled grew. "You could actually purchase them yourself."


Shock claimed his expression, although his brown eyes twinkled. "Buy them myself? Good god, I don't buy anything,dear woman. I'm a trader. Unfortunately, crates of Dom Pérignon aren't something I often come across in the electronics market."


"Then you need to get better contacts." I glanced at Tao. "Are you heading home?"


He shook his head. "I have a feeling if I do, the elemental might wrest control from me again. I seem to do better when I have company."