Darkness Splintered(122)

My eyebrows raised. Meaning what?


Reapers infuse energy when they have sex. The result will be similar.


As in, orgasmic?




I couldn't help grinning. Well, if I've got to face the Raziq, I sure as hell can't think of a better way to do it.


It could be distracting, and that could get dangerous.


So un-infuse once we're in the Raziq's presence. Problem solved.


That, he said, mental tones wry, is like asking a human male to pull out at the point of ejaculation. It's easy enough to say, but it requires a great deal of control and presence of mind to actually do.


Are you telling me you have as little control as a human male?


When it comes to you, I think that's a well-established fact. He paused, and all sense of amusement fled. Their numbers are near attacking point. If we're going to do this, we need to do it fast.


Then do it.


Reach out your right hand.


I switched Amaya to my left hand and did so. Ethereal fingers enclosed around mine, a touch that was both electric and heated. My heart began to race, though it was a combination of fear and expectation.


Imagine, he said, that your hand is on my chest. Feel the rhythm of my breath. Breathe in as I breathe out.


It was hard to imagine anything when all I could see was the shimmering of the Ania.