Darkness Splintered(121)

That doesn't mean you should let them snatch you.


But if I don't, they'll go after Ilianna or Tao instead. I won't put them in any more danger than I already have, Azriel.


You value the life of your friends more than you value your own. His frustration and anger rolled through me, singeing my soul.


I'm no happier about this than you are. I somehow managed to keep my tone even. Reacting in anger wasn't going to help the situation – I'd learned that from past mistakes, if nothing else. And I certainly have no desire to be pulled apart again.


Especially now that I was pregnant.


Then why go?


Because I do value the lives of my friends. The back of my neck tingled. The Ania's numbers were growing, and it was all I could do to remain still. Look, what's the worst they can do? They can't kill me, because they still need me.


The Raziq are capable of more horrors than you could ever imagine.


Yeah, like making me think my flesh was melting from my hands. A shudder went through me and my stomach turned. That was another experience I had no desire to relive. They'll snatch me, they'll do their whole threatening spiel again, and then they'll let me go. And we gain some time and space to find the damn key.


It is not worth —


It is, and you know it. I hesitated, fighting the urge to spin around and stab Amaya into the wispy hearts of the creatures who drew ever nearer. Amaya's grumblings grew louder in my thoughts when I didn't. You said you can find me anywhere now – will you also be able to hear me, even if the Raziq use their shield again?


Energy surged across my skin – Azriel, not more Ania. Though he didn't physically appear, he was nevertheless standing beside me, the warmth of his presence rolling through me. God, I felt so much safer for it.


I do not know. His mental tones were annoyed. Perhaps.


Not what I wanted to hear. I licked dry lips, my gaze jumping to the left as another wisp darted forward. I swung Amaya and it hesitated. Obviously they were waiting for more of their kind before they attacked. Is there any way you can be transported with me?


Perhaps. He hesitated. But it would mean infusing my energy into yours, and that might cause an inappropriate reaction given the situation.