Darkness Splintered(105)


Does that mean she became a Maenad before she became a vampire?


Yes. The followers of Dionysus have no gain when it comes to life span.


But when you became a vampire, you certainly did. I studied him for a second, then said, If there's no witnesses left alive, how do you know she's still a practicing Maenad?


Because when you are touched by the magic of a god, as the Maenads are, it is not something you can cast aside.


So Hunter was imbued by the spirit of a god and warped because of it. I guess that made about as much sense as anything else right now.


How do you plan to stop her doing to me what she did to that spider spirit?


By trapping her in a place that breaks the connection to her god, thereby restraining what she is able to do in his name.


Which really didn't tell me a lot. If you're able to do that, why not do it now and take her out yourselves? Why do you need me involved?


Because, Markel said gravely, such a death goes against the council's rules of hierarchy and challenges, and they would be honor bound to kill us.


Meaning what? That to kill Hunter you have to formally challenge her?


Yes, Stanford said. Such challenges must be performed in front of chosen witnesses, so that they can confirm the legitimacy of both the fight and the kill. As a fully functioning Maenad with the power of a god behind her, Hunter would wipe the floor with either myself or Markel. It is the reason she has retained her position as long as she has.


Then make sure the fight happens someplace she can't use her powers.


It is not that simple, Markel commented. The place has to be council sanctioned, and will be guarded against any form of interference. Restricting Hunter's Maenad nature would be seen as such.


Trust fucking vampires to make the whole stepping-up-the-ladder scenario so damn complicated.


If she's so damn powerful, why hasn't she tried a takeover of the high council before now?