Darkness Splintered(103)


I snorted. And a Cazador has no other choice but to give in to a nightclub manager?


When that manager is not only a trusted friend, but a former Cazador himself, then yes, I do.


My gaze shot to Stanford, who was regarding me neutrally. He was a dark-haired, dark-skinned man of indefinable age, with incandescent green eyes that glowed with an unearthly fire here on the astral plane. That he was a former Cazador certainly explained the sense of danger I'd gotten the last time I'd been in his presence.


If you're a damn Cazador, I hardly think you'd need my help to take the bitch out.


A smiled teased the corners of his lips, but barely reached his bright eyes. You've now seen what Hunter is capable of. Do you really think one lone Cazador is capable of beating her?


The only way he could know I'd witnessed Hunter's full capabilities was if Markel had told him. And that meant Markel was more than just a messenger.


But you're not one lone Cazador, are you? I waved a hand in Markel's direction. That he's here very much suggests he's on your side.


Harry definitely isn't alone in his desire to rid the council of the stain that is Hunter. Markel's mind voice held a touch of grimness. But she is also by no means alone. Too many vampires fear her, and will never risk going up against her.


So, I commented, the majority of council members – many of whom are hundreds of years old and very dangerous in their own right – fear to cross Hunter. And yet you're expecting me to?


Brought down to basics, that's precisely what we're expecting, Stanford said. She's now killed a former lover of yours. How many more of your loved ones will have to die before you realize she will never get her hooks out of you? She owns you, Risa, for as long as you have people you care about.


She won't kill any more of my friends. She's not that stupid.


If you honestly believe that, Markel commented, then you are the one who is stupid.


I wasn't stupid. I knew it was more than a possibility, but it was one I wasn't about to admit to in front of these two men. If I acknowledged their point, it would somehow feel like I was giving ground. And are the Cazadors behind this coup attempt?


Again he hesitated. No. Not all of them.


What about the other two who follow me about? Do they side with you, or with Hunter? Or are they the reason we're meeting here?