Darkness Hunts(94)


She frowned and walked across to me. She raised her hands and skimmed either side of my body, not touching me but close enough that I could feel the sudden tingle of energy flowing from her fingertips. Reading my aura.


She stepped back. "I can't sense any obvious spell, but that doesn't mean there isn't one on you. It could be a geas of some kind, which tends to be subtler and harder to trace."


"Damn." I thrust a hand through my hair. "Have you got anything that might be able to counter such magic?"


She hesitated, then went over to the huge, walk-in floor-to-ceiling cupboard that housed all her magical bits and pieces. She opened one side, revealing shelves stocked with all sorts of bottles, herbs, various tools, and other stuff I had no idea about, and fished around for several minutes. Eventually she returned with what looked like a thin rope bracelet entwined with dead leaves.


"This isn't strong enough to totally counteract any spell or geas, but it will mute the force of it and allow clearheaded thinking."


"Which is all I really need." Sex with Lucian might be extraordinary, but I sure as hell still wanted the option of saying no occasionally.


She slipped the bracelet over my left hand, but as it settled on my wrist, the Dušan came to life, its head whipping around as if to study the intruder. Its tail lifted from my skin, curled around the bracelet, then returned to my flesh. And the bracelet went with it, prickling and itching as it leached into my skin. After a few seconds, it was little more than a leafed tattoo that encircled my wrist, one that was entwined by the Dušan's serpent-like tail.


My gaze shot to Ilianna. "Was that supposed to happen?"


Ilianna's eyes were wide. "Hell, no."




He appeared and I shoved my hand at him. "Any ideas about this?"


He studied my newest tattoo with a frown. "Unfortunately, I do not know enough about the magic that created the Dušans, let alone understand what they are fully capable of. I had thought they were unable to be active on this plane, but that is patently untrue when it comes to the one that resides in your flesh." His gaze met mine. His expression was flat, giving little away, and yet I felt the turmoil in him. He was fiercely glad that this had happened, and just as annoyed by the strength of that reaction. "This is not a bad thing, though."


No, it wasn't, though I suspected his reasons for thinking that stemmed more from a hope that I'd now stay totally away from Lucian rather than merely being less compelled in his presence.


Ilianna tentatively touched the tattoo. "The magic is still alive within it. Amazing."


"Let's just hope that if there is a compulsion, it works, because it looks like I'm stuck with it."