Darkness Hunts(93)


I glanced up at Jak. "You want a sandwich?"


"Yep." He propped his butt up on the counter. "What sort of accident did Tao have?"


"That is none of your damn business." I slapped thick slices of lamb between slices of bread and handed it to him.


"Huh." He bit into his sandwich, then added, "So what is going on between you and Azriel?"


"Nothing. He's a reaper." I squashed my sandwich down with a little more force than necessary. "They don't do love or life."


"Which, interestingly enough, does not preclude them doing sex."


I pointed the knife at him. "Drop it. Now."


He grinned and held up his hands again. "A little too close to the mark, huh?"


"More wide of the mark, and still none of your business."


Thankfully, Ilianna chose to call me into her bedroom at that moment. It was a cool green and normally very calming, but it didn't do a lot to ease the tension suddenly coursing through me. She closed the door, then crossed her arms and said, "Out with it."


I plopped down on the edge of her enormous bed. "Is it possible that some sort of attraction spell has been placed on me?"


Surprised flitted across her features. Whatever question she'd been expecting, that obviously hadn't been it. "Why on earth would you think something like that has happened?" 


"Because it would explain my unrelenting need to be sexual with Lucian whenever I'm with him."


The surprise gave way to amusement. "Why does a spell have to be involved? I mean, he's a hot and sensual man and you're a werewolf—unrelenting need comes with that sort of combination, doesn't it?"


I was shaking my head before she'd finished. "This is something else. It's almost a compulsion. It takes a huge amount of effort to say no to the man, and I've never been like that with anyone before now, werewolf heritage or not."