Darkness Devours(170)


"You need to rest." He gently began to strip the remnants of my clothing from my body. "And eat."


"I know. But there's also Jak—"


"No." He said it softly, but his tone suggested that in this he would brook no arguments.


"Azriel, we need—"


"No," he repeated. "Do not make me force you to rest, Risa."


"But Jak will be waiting—"


"I will visit Jak and alter his memories. You, for once, will do as you're told."


I half smiled. "Given that I'm in no fit state to argue, I'll obey. But don't expect such easy compliance next time."


"Oh," he said, his gaze coming to mine. Humor crinkled his lips and teased the corners of his eyes. "That is one thing I never expect when it comes to you."


"You knew the task was dangerous when you took it on," I said wryly. "You have no one to blame but yourself."


"Indeed," he agreed. He turned on the shower taps, then slid his fingers down to my elbow. "Can you manage to shower yourself, or do you wish assistance?"


At any other time I would have voted for assistance, simply because it would have led to a whole lot more. But I didn't even have the energy for anything resembling a sexual urge, let alone desire.


"I'll be fine." With my fingers pressed against the glass side of the shower, I stepped in cautiously and raised my face to the water. Its warmth ran down my body, washing away the grit, blood, and whatever else was sticky on my skin.


Azriel didn't release me immediately, his grip still on my elbow, as if he expected me to fall down at any minute. "Are you sure you're all right?"


I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Yes. And thank you."