Darkness Devours(169)


Then, suddenly, I was back in the car.


But not for long. Arms gathered me and held me close, and the sensation of movement hit again. This time, instead of darkness there were silver buildings and insubstantial beings. Then they were gone and I was back in the hotel room, cradled against a body that was warm and strong.


I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I just wrapped my arms around Azriel's neck and held on tight. Not that he appeared to be in a hurry to release me.


His warm energy spread through me in gentle waves, chasing away the chills, healing the hurt, soothing the aches. After what felt like ages, I took a deep, shuddering breath, and said, "You have no idea how glad I am to see you." 


"Actually, I do, because I am reading your thoughts." His voice was calm, yet there was an undercurrent within it that spoke of violence.


I opened my eyes and shifted just enough to look up at him. Even that small movement hurt, but it was more a dull ache than the frenzied needle stabbing I'd been half expecting.


His eyes were dark with the fury barely hinted at in his voice. I raised a still trembling hand and ran my fingertips down his stubble-lined chin. "I'm okay, Azriel. They can't kill me. Not yet."


"They unmade you. That is death itself in many ways."


I let my fingers slip down his neck and placed my palm over his heart. Its beat was strong and steady and real, and it somehow made me feel even safer than being cradled in his arms.


"At least they put me back together again," I said eventually.


"But you are not as you were. You are now tied to Raziq and it cannot be undone."


Not unless I die. Fear crawled into my stomach and I swallowed heavily. "I know. But at least I can go home now, and I don't have to worry about Ilianna and Tao falling afoul of them."


"There is that."


He strode toward the bathroom. Once inside, he carefully placed me on my feet, then held me as the bathroom did a brief but dizzy dance around me.


"God," I said, swallowing bile, "I hope that doesn't happen too often."