Dancing with the Devil(9)


Though his eyebrows rose in surprise, a hint of a smile touched his generous mouth. Nikki ignored his outstretched hand, and pushed herself into a sitting position. Her stomach churned, and she took several deep breaths, battling the urge to be sick.


"We have no time,” he said, concern touching the soft tones of his voice. “Please, take my hand and let's go."


Nikki studied him for a moment, then looked back at the house. Bright flames were leaping from the ground floor windows, hungrily reaching skyward. She had no sense of Monica, but the evil was on the move.


She took his hand. He pulled her up easily, his strength at odds with his lean build. Surprisingly, he stood only three or four inches above her five-four. In the flame-filled confines of the hall, he'd appeared a lot bigger.


"He hunts us,” Michael stated softly. Though he still held her hand, he'd turned slightly to study the house. “We must keep moving."


"What about Monica?"


Michael glanced at her. His eyes were ancient, endless pools of ebony. You could lose yourself forever in those depths, Nikki thought, and glanced away uneasily.


"The child accompanies her master. You were a fool to go in after her."


"She would have died if I didn't.” Nikki took her hand from his, and briskly rubbed a tender hip. His smile was grim. “Death is one thing that child no longer fears." She frowned at him. “What do you mean?"


"Nothing.” He shrugged gracefully. “Ready to move?"


She returned her gaze to the house, then nodded.


Michael led the way forward. He was quiet, as one with the night. A ghost, she thought uneasily. She glanced at her fingers, remembering the gentle strength of his hand in hers. If he was a ghost, he was certainly a solid one. 


"I am as real as you, Nikki,” he said softly. His dark gaze touched hers briefly before returning to study the surrounding night.


She'd forgotten he could read her thoughts—just like Tommy had, so many years ago. Fear stirred, along with old guilt. So why did she trust him? She couldn't say, and that worried her.


"They follow us."