Dancing with the Devil(7)


"There is no escape for you now.” The stranger's tone was oddly gentle, yet filled with the certainty of death.


Nikki edged sideways, one hand outstretched, searching desperately for the doorknob. It had to be close; she hadn't walked that far into the room, for Christ's sake.


"Look at me,” The voice changed, became deeper, more alluring. “Look at me..." Blue fire flared in the darkness. Nikki stared, mesmerized, as the flame grew brighter, transforming itself into a pair of sapphire eyes.


So beautiful.


So very deadly.


Nikki swallowed and tore her gaze away. Her fingers touched the doorknob, clenched convulsively around it.


"No,” he whispered. “Stay with me."


His words wrapped around her, seductive and compelling. Blue fire pinned her. She couldn't tear herself free of the commanding beauty of his gaze.


"Be mine."


Memories rose unbidden, and Nikki saw another time, another man, uttering the same words.


"No,” she said and flung out her arm, releasing the pent-up kinetic energy. The sapphire gaze disappeared, then something heavy hit the far wall.


Anger hissed across the darkness. Nikki slammed the door open and ran for the hall. Smoke swirled through the darkness, a stench that caught in her throat, making her cough. Christ, there's a fire somewhere . But she couldn't stop. Not with evil so close to her heels. She reached the door leading out into the hall and flung it open.


Only to be greeted by hell. Wallpaper dripped fiery tears to the floor, and the stairs were lost to an inferno of red heat. Smoke curled around her, stinging her eyes and making it difficult to breathe. She coughed, and dashed the tears away from her eyes. What was she going to do now?


Wood creaked behind her.


Run, she thought, and leaped into the hall, slamming the door shut behind her. The heat was fierce, scorching her clothes and searing her skin. Heart pounding with fear, Nikki spun, not sure where to go. The smoke did a mad dance around her, making it difficult to get her bearings. If she couldn't use the stairs, she'd have to run down the hall ... but which way was safest?