Dancing with the Devil(87)

"Then why not go down now?"


"Because he won't be there. He is just trying to unnerve you, Nikki."


"Well, it's working.” She untangled her fingers from his and wrapped her arms around her body. Though he wished he could hold her, give her the comfort she desperately needed, he didn't dare move. Jasper still watched them. “He can't hurt you unless you let him. You have your abilities. Use them to protect yourself."


She had to get past her fear. He couldn't be with her twenty-four hours a day. Besides, the best way to protect her was to kill Jasper. To do that, he had to leave her alone. She gave him a quick glance, and he wondered if she'd heard the thought. With the link between them growing stronger by the day, it was becoming increasingly hard to keep his thoughts to himself.


"He's leaving,” she stated quietly.


Michael watched him fade into the darkness, saw the blur of his body heat move quickly up the street. With dawn only a few hours away, he'd be off to hunt before retreating for the day. No doubt there would be more murders for the Lyndhurst Mail to report to its troubled readership. He let the curtain fall back into place and turned, drawing her into his arms. She felt so soft and warm against him. He brushed a kiss against the top of her head and held her quietly until her tremors stopped.


"Thank you,” she whispered, then pulled away slightly.


Her eyes were bright, but not with fear. He could hear the unsteady pounding of her heart and knew its rhythm matched his own


He raised a hand, gently brushing a dark strand of hair away from her cheek. Her skin was silk under his fingers. He traced the outline of her jaw, then lightly brushed her lips with his fingers. He wished he could taste their fullness, but that wouldn't be fair. Not when she was so frightened, and Jasper still ran loose.


"You should rest,” he said, watching the sparkle in her amber eyes, watching the heat rise in her cheeks. God, she was beautiful.


"I want you to stay with me, Michael,” she said softly. “I want you to make love to me." He studied her, seeing the hint of desperation in her eyes, the fear in her thoughts. While he couldn't deny the attraction flaring between them, he knew it had nothing to do with her sudden desire to make love. In any other situation, any other time, he might have taken what she offered, enjoyed her company until the job was done, and then left. As he had with other women in the past. But not with Nikki, and not for the reason he could see in her heart. Somehow, it just didn't seem right for them to make love just to erase Jasper's thoughts from her mind.


But damn, she felt so good...


He bent and kissed her. He'd meant it to be brief, but her lips were soft and sweet under his, and he found himself wanting more. Her hand brushed his cheek as she moved it around his neck, and he closed his eyes, pulling her close, teasing her lips with his tongue. She made a sound that was almost a sigh, then opened her mouth, allowing him to taste her. He moved his hands down her back and cupped her buttocks, holding her softness against him.


He didn't want the moment to end, but knew it had to. No involvement, he reminded himself sharply. Let her go. He kissed her forehead lightly then stepped away.


"I cannot do this, Nikki.” Because Seline was right. He was playing with a fire that, once started, he might never want to put out. “It's not the right time or situation." A slight smile touched her warm lips. “It felt pretty right to me." It had felt pretty right to him, as well, and that was the problem. “I am a vampire, Nikki. It's a fact that can never be changed. I live in a world of darkness and tread paths no human can ever take.” He hesitated, watching her amber eyes darken. “I have made love to many women in my time, but they were little more than fleeting moments of pleasure. There can never be anything more for me. Vampire's cannot love."