Dancing with the Devil(85)

He hesitated, then added in a voice heavy with bitterness. “After three hundred years of existence, you learn to do without many things."


She blinked. Had she heard him right? He was three hundred years old?


"Yes.” He sighed, and ran a hand through his unkempt hair. “Now eat, and rest. I'll be near if you need me."


He left the room quickly. Frowning, she picked up the spoon, eating the soup without really tasting it. When she'd finished, she shoved the tray back on the bedside table and settled back down to get some sleep.


Her dreams were filled with fear and madness, haunted by an evil that teased and mocked. She woke to darkness hours later, the silk shirt twisted about her body and damp with sweat. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she stared at the night-held room. 


Something about the stillness told her she was alone, and her heart skipped several beats. But that wasn't what she feared. No, there was something else...


Like a siren's song, the call whispered through her mind, urging her into action. Frightened, yet unable to resist the pull of the call, she threw aside the blankets and rose. Walking unsteadily across the room, she pushed the curtains to one side and stared out. Darkness held the city in its grip. The clock tower down the street chimed four times, and the street below was silent, empty.


Then the shadows moved.


Jasper. Smiling confidently at her, sure of her response.


Come to me.


Something deep within responded, wanting to do as he asked. She closed her eyes, fighting it, fighting him.


It's too late to fight. You are mine.


Never. I'll kill myself first.


His laughter sang through her soul, filling her with its corruption. Trembling, she crossed her arms and turned from the window. It didn't stop the treacherous whisper begging her to do whatever he wanted. She took a deep breath, trying to gather her scattered wits. Michael, where are you? I need you. And if he couldn't hear her silent plea for help? Well, she wasn't helpless, no matter what the demons in her mind might say.


Do not ignore me, pretty one.