Circle of Desire(89)

His seed. That she could accept because she was already pregnant. "Yes," she gasped. "Yes."

The dance of magic seemed to explode around them, and her cl**ax came in a rush of power that stole her breath, stole all thought and swept her into a world that was sheer, unadulterated bliss. A heartbeat later he went rigid against her, the power of his release tearing a roar from his throat that sounded so very briefly like a wolf howling her name to the moon.

He held her for one last thrust, then his lips sought hers, his kiss a lingering taste of heat.

"Let our souls become one as our bodies have become one. What the moon has joined, let no man break."

The thrum of magic muted but didn't entirely die at his words. In some ways, it felt incomplete. She hoped that meant the spell of binding — if that was indeed what it was — hadn't worked.

He kissed her nose, her forehead. His lips were warm against her skin and stirred the embers of desire to life. He was still hard inside her, and she wondered if that was the spell or simply the need of a werewolf caught by the moon.

"By the moon's divine light, let us now celebrate this union," he continued.

Magic seemed to flow through every pore of her being. It felt as if the moon itself was blessing her. Blessing them. She fought the sting of more tears. But right now, she could do nothing more than follow this through to the end.

And hope Ethan didn't hate her too much when he came out from under the moon's spell.

* * * *

Kat bit her lip to stop her teeth from chattering and carefully eased out from under Ethan's arm. He might be immune to the cold, but it felt as if ice had settled into her bones. Making love under the stars was fine in summer, but in the midst of winter it was something close to hell. At least it was when the passion was over and you were left lying on the cold wet ground.

The moon had long ago waned but it had only been in the last half hour that their so-called celebrations had eased into sleep. If his snores were anything to go by, he wouldn't wake for at least another couple of hours.

Though any other man would certainly have slept beyond tomorrow.

She rose. While she was muddy and cold and more than half wishing she hadn't so readily discarded the wet blanket, she also felt incredibly invigorated. Maybe the magic he'd raised still pulsed through her blood. Or maybe it was simply all the great sex they'd shared.

Only it was more than just sex. It was a commitment. But not one meant for her.

She thrust away the pain of that thought and glanced skyward. Though the rain had stopped, the night was still bitter, and she didn't particularly want to leave him lying there na**d. Frowning, she raised a hand and kinetically retrieved his discarded jeans. Then she turned the energy on him, lifting him gently and carefully pulling his jeans up his legs.

She took the condoms from his pocket then eased him back down. He stirred, murmuring something she couldn't quite catch. She waited until he was still again, then gathered a heap of undergrowth and leaves from beneath the nearby trees and covered him. They would help keep him warm and provide some cover from inquisitive eyes — whether human or animal.

She lifted her arms and called to the wildness of her alternate shape. On nightdark wings she headed back to her grandmother.

Gwen had the door open as Kat approached, allowing her to arrow inside before she shifted shape. "You just missed Ethan's boss and partner. They've been keeping me company while we waited for you two." Gwen hesitated, eyes twinkling and a smile twitching her lips. "Where have you left him?"

Kat kissed Gwen's leathery cheek. "Sleeping the sleep of the well sated. I hope. Do you mind if I shower while we chat? I need to get warm again."

She threw the condoms on the table and headed into the bathroom. Gwen followed her in and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. "Something happened out there, didn't it"

Kat felt the temperature of the water then stepped inside the shower. "Yeah," she said, avoiding the intentness of her grandmother's gaze by raising her face to the stream of heat. "The mara tried to blow us up again."

"I know that. Benton got a call from the sheriff stating you and Ethan were still missing after being caught in a motel explosion."

She spat the water out of her mouth and quickly explained what had happened. "If the soul sucker thinks we're dead, it gives us a huge advantage. One we'd better take immediately."

"Then you're intending to go after her?"

"We don't dare do anything until we get those kids to safety. Once we have, you and I are free to confront the bitch."

Gwen nodded. "I don't hear Ethan's name mentioned in any of that."

"He'll be with me this morning."

"And later?"

"It's you and me. Ethan's task will be to get his niece to safety."