Circle of Desire(87)

"My lady does indeed wait."

His voice was little more than a caress of sound, yet it seemed to sing through every fiber of her being. She briefly closed her eyes against the sudden sting of tears. It wasn't Ethan speaking but the wolf. A wolf who was far more romantic than the man would ever allow himself to be.

His thumb caressed her lips. It was a gentle touch that curled her toes with wanting.

"Does my lady know what night it is?"

The heat of his gaze was melting her insides. His desire burned the air around them, even though he held himself still.

"It's the night before the full moon."

"The night of promises."

"The night of destiny." She didn't know where those words came from, and that scared her. She cleared her throat and said, "But there are no promises between us." Could never be any promises between them until he moved beyond the pain of what Jacinta had done.

He stepped so close her br**sts were crushed against his bare, wet chest and his erection pressed heat against her stomach.

He slid a hand down her back, his fingers burning warmth against her spine as he pressed her closer still. "A witch told me I would find you here."

It felt like he'd reached into her chest and torn out her heart. She closed her eyes against the pain. It wasn't her he was seeing in the haze of his wolf lust. It was Jacinta.

But in the end, it didn't really matter. She had to sate his hunger so they could rescue those children, and if he thought he was making love to Jacinta rather than to her, then so be it. She could worry about her breaking heart later.

She swallowed against the bitterness in her throat. "I thought you didn't believe in witches."

He brushed a sweet kiss across her mouth. "I believe in destiny."

His breath stroked her lips and made her tremble. "I'm not your destiny, Ethan." She might want to believe otherwise, but the fact he was seeing Jacinta now rather than her only proved how wrong her hopes had been.

"You are my heart, my soul."

A tear tracked down her cheek. "I'm not Jacinta."

He didn't hear her. Or maybe he chose not to hear her. His hand entwined hers.

"Kneel with me."

"We can't do this." Couldn't make whatever promise he intended to make because she wasn't the woman he really wanted. She'd been a fool to believe she ever would be.

"Kneel with me," he repeated and tugged her down in front of him.

The ground was muddy against her knees and legs, and it felt like she was going to slide backwards. It was only his grip on her spine that held her close and kept her upright.

She touched a hand to his cheek, holding his gaze with her own. Trying to reach the sanity of the man deep inside.

"I'm not Jacinta. I'm not the woman you love. Whatever it is the moon bids you to do, forget it. Let's just make love."

She pressed her mouth against his, her kiss demanding. His response was immediate, almost harsh. His hands slid down her back and cupped her rear, pressing her hard against the heat of his erection. Then a shudder went through him, and he pulled back.

The wildness was sharper in his eyes. "Not yet."

She ran her hands between them, cupping him, caressing him. "I don't want promises, Ethan." Especially when those promises where meant for another woman.

"I just want to feel you inside me."

His groan was more a growl as his mouth sought hers. His kiss was a possession, one that left every inch of her trembling. His body thrust against hers, but he didn't take what she so readily offered. He pulled away yet again.

"There are words to be said to the moon first." His voice was little more than a hoarse whisper.