Beneath a Rising Moon(48)

The sense of apprehension increased. "Doing what?"

Celebrating the moon with an incredible man I can't quite hate. She cleared her throat and hoped like hell her sister didn't catch the thought. She still had her shields up, but with the two of them, that often didn't mean much. "Your files suggested the Sinclairs were high on your list of suspects. So, I've been talking to them."

"We can't get them to talk to us. How would you be able to?"

She didn't suspect, Neva thought. Or didn't imagine. But before she could answer, a babble of voices rose from outside the corridor. Angry voices, male and female. One was altogether too familiar — as was the scent that touched the air. Neva closed her eyes and silently swore. The last thing she needed right now was for Duncan to make an appearance.

Footsteps echoed — a sharp tattoo that spoke of anger. A nurse came into the room, face flushed and blue eyes irate.

"Sorry Miss Grant," she said, her gaze seeking Neva's. "But there's a man outside who claims to be your mate, and he demands to be let in the room."

Savannah's shock stung the air. Neva took a deep breath and slowly released it. So much for keeping her tryst with Duncan a closely guarded secret. And given who her father was, the whole damn town would know tomorrow. "Let him in."

The nurse spun and marched back out. Savannah's grip on Neva's hand grew fierce.

"By the moon's light, Neva, what in hell have you done?"

Chapter Eight

What hadn't she done? Especially in the last forty-eight hours? Heat flushed Neva's cheeks, and she was suddenly glad her sister's face was still bandaged.

"I told you. I was up at the mansion."

"But to join the moon dance?" Sav's voice was incredulous. "Even I'm not that foolhardy."

"I told you I was going to find the bastard and make him pay for what he did."

Sav took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Who did you use to gain entry?"

"Duncan. He's the only one you didn't have under suspicion."

"And the wildest. He even spent a few days in jail."

"For drunk-driving related offenses."

"He's a repeat offender. A fool."

Neva had no doubt Duncan would probably now be the first to admit it. And then wondered why in hell she was tempted to rise to his defense. Duncan certainly didn't seem to care what anyone thought about him, so why should she?

Sav was silent for a moment, and the sharp rap of approaching boot heels seemed to echo as loudly as Neva's heart. And she wasn't sure if it was trepidation or merely the excitement of being close to him once again.

"I can understand why you did it," Sav said quietly. "Because I know if anyone ever hurt you, I'd do whatever it took to bring them in. But moons, you'd better hope Mom and Dad don't find out."

Neva smiled grimly. "They know about Duncan. They just don't know I'm up at the mansion."

"Oh God — " Sav cut the rest of her words off as Duncan entered the room.

Neva met his gaze. His dark eyes were still shuttered, his face impassive. It was impossible to even guess what he was thinking right now. He stepped toward them, and suddenly the room didn't seem big enough. Nor did it contain enough air.

"Did you have to tell the nurse you were my mate?" she snapped, annoyed by both his presence here at the hospital and her continuing reaction to him. The moon wasn't even out at the moment, so why was she still feeling a buzz of excitement?

He raised an eyebrow. "It's the truth, is it not?"

His rich voice was neutral and gave no clue as to his thoughts. "Only as far as this moon phase goes."

He shrugged. "Why didn't you tell me about your sister?"

She wondered how he'd found out. Betise, perhaps? "Would you have allowed me entry into the mansion if I had?"