Beneath a Rising Moon(47)

He opened the door to his suite only to be greeted by a snow storm. He cursed loudly and made his way into the bedroom, where the storm seemed to be originating. Neva wasn't there. And the French doors were wide open. He swore again and walked out onto the snowbound balcony. She'd gone, and if the depth of snow inside the bedroom was any indicator, she'd left at least an hour ago. He swept his gaze across the swirling whiteness and knew something bad must have happened for her to leave in a storm like this. And that something undoubtedly involved her twin. If she was willing to risk her reputation and her relationship with her parents to find the man who'd attacked her sister, this storm certainly wouldn't provide much of a challenge.

He spun and walked back into the bedroom, closing the French doors behind him. He swept a disparaging glance around the mess, then picked up the phone and called his father.

"I'm going to Ripple Creek," he said the minute Zeke answered. "I may or may not be back tonight, depending on what the storm does."

"Why?" His father didn't sound surprised, but then, he'd raised four sons who all walked the wild side of life. Maybe nothing they did surprised him any longer.

"Neva's gone."

"Well, you were expecting her to run. Looks like you've achieved your aim."

"I don't think she's running from me. Did you know Neva had a sister?"

"Of course. She's a ranger."

"The ranger who was attacked the day after the last murder."

Zeke swore softly. "I knew a ranger had been attacked, but it never occurred to me to find out who."

And he obviously hadn't read the newspaper, or he would have seen the photo and article. "It puts a somewhat different spin on her possible reasons for being here."

"Maybe." Doubt edged his father's voice. "Though part of me doubts anyone from the golden tribe would go to such lengths merely to avenge an attack. They tend to be pacifists."

Nancy Grant wasn't. And Neva certainly appeared to have inherited some of that fire. "Lance came through with some interesting information." He quickly filled his father in on everything Lance had said.

"Detrek's the head of the Sinclair pack over in Bitterroot, and an old friend of mine. I'll give him a call and see what he remembers of the night."

"Good. I'm not sure how or why the two could possibly be connected, but it's certainly something worth checking."

"Especially given we've got very little to go on so far." Zeke hesitated. "I'm posting security at all entrances tonight. I know the storm will deter some dancers, but I'm not risking another death. The guards will stay until after the full moon."

"Good idea." Anything that made life difficult for the murderer was worth trying. "Give me a call on my cell phone if you get the results back from the samples we took off Betise."

"Will do. Just be careful out in that storm."

"I will." He hung up, then stripped the sodden comforter and sheets off the bed and shoved them down the laundry chute. He relit the fire to help dry the rest of the room, then grabbed his jacket and headed out to find Neva.

* * * *

Neva wrapped her hand around Savannah's warm fingers. She'd been allowed to stay with her sister a little longer, though it had been against the doctor's recommendation and only at Sav's insistence. "The rangers have been called," she said softly. "Once they get here, make sure you arrange for twenty-four hour protection."

"Don't start trying to tell me how to do my job." Sav's voice was little more than a harsh whisper, but Neva had never heard a sweeter sound. "And why are your hands like ice?"

"Came through a snow storm to get here, and I got both wet and cold when I chased the killer back outside."

"You should go home and change before you catch a chill."

"Right now, catching a chill is the least of my worries."

Sav's curiosity swam around her. "Where in hell were you, anyway? It felt farther away than either the diner or your place."

She hesitated, but there was really no putting off the truth. Sav would have to know sooner or later, and right now, Neva needed help from someone who knew what they were doing. Someone who could possibly see the clues she was missing. She took a deep breath, then said, "I've been continuing your investigations."

With Sav's face bandaged, Neva couldn't see her reaction. But she could feel it. And right now, her sister was annoyed ... and more than a little apprehensive.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I raided your office and read the files." She hesitated again, then added, "And I've been up at the mansion."