Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,84

know she’s thinking the same thing because she rubs herself against me exactly like a kitten would do. “Do we have to go to the wedding?” she whispers. “I’d rather stay here with you and show you what you were missing when I wouldn’t blow you …”

Sloane drops down on her knees and ... I guess that a few more minutes won’t make a huge difference. I close my eyes while she fumbles with the zipper of my tux after stroking me through the material of my pants.

Sweet Baby Jesus.

“Where’s everyone? The officiant is waiting, we’re already late!” The cabin door opens abruptly, Alicia’s whiny voice reaching us before we have time to react and move from our compromising position.


I’ve never really understood the expression ‘deer in front of headlights’ until just about now. I mean don’t get me wrong, being caught by your boyfriend’s mom when you’re obviously about to give head to another guy already ranks pretty high in the realm of the most embarrassing situations I can imagine, but this? This is something on a completely different level.

For a second I don’t even get why Alicia looks so horrified and disgusted. Of course, in her eyes I’m cheating on her son but—oh, fuck! Of course, she thinks that River and I are siblings. So for the first time since I met her, I really can’t blame Blaine’s mom for her over the top reaction.

“What’s going on here?” she shrieks, a hand going to rest on her chest, squeezed in the corset-style wedding dress she’s wearing. “This is … this is—” she lands on her knees, her eyes still wide with shock and fixed on me and River.

“You’re cheating on your boyfriend with your sister?” She gasps. “And you.” this part is directed at me. “You’re cheating on Blaine with your brother?”

I’m about to try to talk my way out of this but Blaine’s calm voice intervenes as he helps his mother back on her feet. “Come on, Mom. Look, Sloane and River aren’t really siblings. We just said that because our relationship status is a little … uhm, complicated. I promise they aren’t cheating on anyone. And River isn’t really gay. He just said that to let you down gently when you came onto him.”

This is why I fucking love Blaine.

“But I—” Alicia objects and seriously she has some nerve to look this outraged when she is about to get married and all she’s done since we got here is try to get into River’s pants. I mean, not that I blame her because it’s River I’m talking about and love him or hate him, my crazy boyfriend is smoking hot. But really, she’s the last person who should look at me as if I were a slut when she’s obviously anything but faithful to her fiancé.

Fortunately Blaine handles her with a gentle firmness that I’ve seen him employ every time a situation begins getting out of hand. “We’ll talk about it later, ok? You have a literal boatload of people waiting for you on the upper deck. Let’s go.”

His vibrant green eyes meet mine as he begins to usher his mother out of the cabin and the many emotions I see in Blaine’s eyes almost make my head spin. There’s worry, a grim determination and definitely heat. I think that seeing me like this with River turned him on, and I can’t wait until this night is over and we’ll have time to explore this wonderful and complicated relationship between the five of us. For a second I can’t help but imagine myself between Blaine and River, the same way I was between Royce and Kaden last night.

I accept River’s hand and get back on my feet. I quickly change into a sequined black halter dress with a high slit on one side. Thank god he’d been joking about the orange. This doesn’t scream bridesmaid but I certainly can’t attend the wedding in my torn, blood splattered dress. I exit the cabin following Blaine and Alicia down the long corridor and up the stairs that lead to the upper deck.

The deck is crowded with people dressed to the nines. The furniture has been moved to create an aisle that’s flanked by rows of chairs like you’d find in any wedding venue. A marquee has been erected on one end of the deck. There are flowers everywhere and the deck is illuminated by bright spotlights.

River and I are prompted to walk in front of Blaine and his Copyright 2016 - 2024