Keep Me (Rebel Hearts Heists #2) - M. Sinclair Page 0,83

my chest, my actual heart clenching with a wave of sensation that somehow finds its way down to my stomach where a fuck ton of butterflies are fluttering their wings in unison.

That’s what my kitten has always done to me from the very first day, when we took her in that bank. I didn’t know back then, I fell for her bit by bit, day by day. Damn if we clashed at first but it was just my reaction to the way I felt about her despite what was prudent or even sane.

“I fell for you at first sight, Kitten. Did you know that?” I admit, kissing the top of her head. My voice is not filled with nearly as much amusement and teasing as normal.

She raises her face to look at me with those magnetic green eyes, drawing me in immediately. She looks tired, but still beautiful and I know she’s all right when she responds with the irony that makes her so fun to be around. “I doubt it, Rivs. Not at first sight. Remember? You kept suggesting to ‘get rid of me.’ No actually I recall you using the words ‘off her,’ and ‘kill her.’”

There’s no anger in her voice, just the hint of a smile pulling at the corner of her lips.

“Ok,” I admit, “maybe not from the very first moment but definitely from that first night in the penthouse when you refused to blow me.”

She giggles. “You’re so romantic, Rivs. Little did I know that the way to your heart was refusing to suck your dick. By the way, not that I will ever admit it again … but I was scared of you. Like terrified and you were being a gigantic asshole threatening to kill me, so you can’t exactly blame me. But while I never would’ve blown you that night …”

She smirks and I can’t help but smile back at her, coaxing her softly to tell me what’s on her mind. “But?”

“I hated myself because there was a part of me that considered doing it. Not so much because I feared for my life, but because I couldn’t help feel attracted to you, even then.”

Fuck. There it is, my heart squeezes in my chest at her words. My fingers move to the sensitive spot behind her ear, stroking her soft skin until she lifts her face to meet my gaze again. “Yeah, I know exactly how you felt because I felt it too. Our situation was impossible and yet I couldn’t help but want you. That was why at first I was an asshole to you.”

Her reaction shouldn’t surprise me one bit. She laughs. “Right, that’s why you were an asshole.”

I respond with an eye roll but I can’t contain the smile on my face. Kitten knows me better than I thought. “Ok, for fuck’s sake. I’m an asshole most of the time. I can’t fucking help it. It takes me a long time to let people in.”

She presses her body closer to mine and did I not mention how she makes my cock constantly hard? Yeah, I know this isn’t the time or place but I’ll be damned if the thought of bending her over and finishing ripping the ruined dress off of her doesn’t cross my mind. “It didn’t take you that long to let me in, River.”

Our noses are touching as I murmur almost against her lips. “It’s because you’re special. You’re my kitten. My sexy, gorgeous, batshit crazy kitten. And I fucking love you.”

I crush my lips on hers, letting my mouth do all the talking in a way that’s more effective than words. I kiss her until we’re both out of breath and I know I want to taste a lot more than her mouth but we have a couple of assholes to bring to justice before I can dedicate my undivided attention to my hot girlfriend.

“Let’s get you out of this dress, Kitten. The chief stew found something that should fit you.” I lower the zipper on her back with deft fingers and when the torn dress slips off of Sloane’s hot body, I almost decide fuck our mission. A few more minutes and—no, when the fuck did I became so fucking responsible? I know Kaden wants eyes on Alicia and Van Der Prick while he and Royce take care of Kronin.

“I can’t wait until I can make sweet love to you all night, Kitten. I call dibs as soon as all this shit is over, ok?”

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