Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,22

well when the person is attached to you and is far too strong.

He heads off for the bathroom, dragging me after him by my wrist. That’s the moment when I realize he still has no pants on.

“Stop! What the fuck?” I cry as I stare at his ass. While it’s a very nice ass and I can’t seem to look away from it, I really feel like I should.

“I have to take a piss.”

“Then let me get up!”

“I gave you the chance and you refused,” he says as he yanks me into the bathroom before bashing my head on the cabinet.

“Ow, fuck,” I cry as I try to roll into the fetal position and pray and hope and beg that I wake up and this was all just some fucked-up nightmare. Yes. Please. Fucked-up nightmare.

I hear the shower turn on, so I look up as he takes his shirt off and since he can’t remove his arm from it, he pushes the shirt down onto my arm. I get up before I have to be tortured some more.

“This is miserable,” I say, even if my view is not.

“Uh-huh. Yeah. Why don’t you go back to being mad at me? You complain a whole lot less, if I’m being honest with you.”

“Does anyone actually like you?” I ask.

“You know what? When you’re as amazing as me, you just don’t care. You turn around and people flock to you,” he says as he grabs the glass door and tries sliding it shut on my arm.

“Ow, dammit! Stop abusing me!”

“I just didn’t want the pervert looking at me.”

“Fuck off. This is already awkward as hell because you don’t wear pants.”

“Are you a child? Who wears pants and underwear to bed?”

“Well… yeah, but I do when I have company!” As if I have company too often.

“Oh man,” he says as the water beats down. “That’s sad if the only company you get in your room you wear clothes for.”

I can feel my hand getting wet from the spray and a tiny stupid little part of my brain questions what it’d be like to just get in with him. What would he do? I don’t even know if he’s gay. If he is, he sure as hell isn’t interested in me.

He yanks the door open and looks out at me, soap covering his muscular chest. “Oh man, I thought you died or something. You’ve never been quiet for so long,” he says before sliding the glass door shut on my arm.

“Are you enjoying this?” I growl.

“I have to admit that I am a little bit. I seem to be a secret sadist. They’re like secret Santas where I just inflict little sadist gifts on you every now and then.”

“You’re not funny, in case you’re curious. My head hurts and the sound of your voice just makes me ill.”

“Huh. I’ve been told I have the voice of an angel,” he says.

“Maybe a dying one.”

I can hear him chuckling as he turns the water off and whips open the door. My eyes drop so damn fast that I can’t even cover up how fast they drop. Then I’m trying to make it look like I was dropping my eyes to look at the rug and even that seems weird as fuck as he grabs a towel and starts drying off. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to notice.

“Can I get a shower now?”



“I don’t want to waste any water on you.”

“Too bad,” I say as I turn it back on. Then I realize this will require me to strip in front of him. At least he’s facing the other direction, so I pull my shirt off and force it toward him like he did to me and then drop my pants so I’m just in my boxer briefs. My entire body aches and is covered in deep purple bruises. I hook my briefs and start pushing them down just as Shepherd looks at me.

“Do I get to stare at you like you stare at me?” he asks.

Okay. Maybe I’m not as discreet as I thought.

I shut the water off and get into the shower with my underwear on. Then once the door is slid almost shut but for my arm, I pull them off and drop them on the other side.

“Don’t be a perv and start snorting my underwear or something,” I say.

“Ah, spoken like a true pervert,” he says as I turn the water back on and try to wash the blood and aches away.

“Hey, Shep?”

“It’s not Shep.”


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