Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,21

instead,” I suggest.

“Is he home?” she asks.

“I didn’t think he was, but I see his car’s in the driveway. What about that ice cream shop you mentioned?”

She raises an eyebrow as she stares at me. “But we walked all the way here because you were going to get that book for me, remember?”

“Yeah, but we could go do something else,” I say as I look up at the towering house that looms over me. I see a curtain swish and I wonder if it was my mother or someone else. I always feel like this house has eyes.

She looks at me like I’m acting weird. “Come on, I want to see your stuff. You act like there’s a bogeyman inside,” she teases as she grabs my hand and tugs me up to the house.

“I think my parents will get the wrong impression if I trot in while holding your hand,” I say as I stare at it.

She grins at me. “Maybe they’ll get the right impression,” she says as I’m pulled after her.

I hesitate because I realize what she means. Does she like me? Now I feel bad that I clearly don’t like her in that way, but I can’t possibly tell her why. How would she react if I told her? What if she didn’t want to be friends with me anymore? What if I’ve screwed everything up?

And while I’m lost in thought, she pulls me into the house.

“Killian, you’re home early.”

I look up at my father who is loosening his tie just inside the doorway. “Yeah. She was wanting to borrow a book from me. That’s it.”

“You’re not going to introduce me to your friend? It’s not often you bring someone home. Did you guys go to the same high school? I don’t seem to remember her.”

“Yeah, we didn’t really have classes together,” I lie.

Father smiles. “So?”

“This is my friend Rose.”

“Rose! A pleasure to meet you. Now have fun. But not too much fun,” Father says before laughing to himself.

We head up to the second floor where my room is, and I take her inside.

“Your dad seems nice,” she says with a smile.


“Why were you so wary about bringing me here then? He clearly doesn’t care.”

I shrug as I head over to my bookshelf and pull out the book she’d been asking about. “Here it is. Now, I’ll warn you I’m extremely picky about the condition of my books. Don’t fold the corners, don’t break the spine, just open it gently.” I feel like I’m on autopilot. This was stupid. This was such a mistake. I shouldn’t have brought her here.

She grins at me before sitting on my bed and patting the spot next to her. I sit a few feet away, and without hesitating, she slides over and leans into me. “What do you want to do now?”

I look around my room searching for something that will put some distance between us. I want to recommend going for a run or something in the hopes I can outrun her, but I know I’m being stupid. “What about a video game?”

She stares at me, clearly thinking I’d suggest something… else, but smiles. “Sure. I’m actually amazing at video games, though.”

“We’ll see,” I say as I hop off the bed so I can set it up.

“Why are you so quiet around new people, Killian? You’re a lot of fun to be around when you open up. You’re like a different person.”

“I’m not quiet. You’re just loud.”

She nods thoughtfully. “That’s a very true assessment of me.”

I start laughing which makes her laugh. “Get over here. I’ll put it on easy just for you.”

“Oh, I was playing games before you were born.”

“You’re a year older than me!”


I shake my head and hand her the controller. It feels like I finally have someone there, something to look forward to.


“Are you planning on sleeping for the rest of your life? Are you dead? Shit… did you die? Now your body is going to stink up my room.”

I open my eyes and look up at Shepherd leaning over me.

He gives me an annoyingly cheery look. Like any part of this day could be good. I liked it better when he was stoic and annoying. “Dammit, not dead yet. Now get your ass up,” he says.

“Why are you so happy?”

“I’m always happy.”


He grins at me as I wallow on the floor.

My body still aches, and I have no interest in getting up or doing anything at all, so I close my eyes. That doesn’t work

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