Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,119

don’t think I can get enough of you,” I say before pulling him in for a kiss as his fingers quicken over our cocks. And I know I really can’t. I just want more and more of him, and instead of pulling away and leaving me like everyone else has, he just keeps giving me more.

I lose myself in his kiss as his free hand slips around to my ass and rubs between my ass cheeks. My tongue brushes against his as his hand goes even faster, and I press myself harder into him until I can’t take anymore. I turn my head to the side and moan as my balls tighten and I come. Shepherd’s hand quickens on his cock as he leans into me and his mouth crashes against mine. He groans as he comes, and I savor the feel of his body shuddering against mine until he lies down on the bed, breathing heavily. Then I lie against him, careful of his still-healing wound, our naked bodies tangled with each other as I hold tightly onto him.

I could remain like this all day, just holding and touching and kissing him. He squeezes me tightly against him. “I honestly never thought I’d enjoy sexual touch,” he says quietly. “I thought there was a barrier of hatred I’d built up that would keep me from ever seeing anything good in it.”

“I’m sorry you went through all of that.”

He shrugs. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Can I ask why you were out on the streets?”

“My mom’s boyfriend hated me. He was hellbent on making my life miserable and when he found out I was gay, he threw me out of the house. The thing is, who fucking knows if it actually bothered him that much, it was an excuse to get rid of me, you know? So he threw me out when I was fourteen and I had nothing and knew nothing. It just… spiraled down from there. I thought escaping him would be a good thing, but I didn’t realize what it meant to be fourteen, living in a city that wants to ruin your life.”

“I’m sorry that happened to you,” I say as I hold him closely.

“It’s in the past. I have you and Bear now.”

I squeeze him tightly. “Good. That’s all you need.”


“You guys have to try this before you head to bed,” Dave says as he hurries some plates of strawberry shortcake over to the kitchen table before setting a glass of milk next to each plate.

“You didn’t have to do all of this,” Shepherd says, but I’m pretty sure he did because it looks delicious.

“Thank you. Ignore Shepherd, we needed this,” I say, which makes Dave laugh.

“Oh, I’m going to eat it. There’s no debate about that.” Shepherd takes a bite and moans, which I think is totally unfair when I can’t immediately start kissing him. “So, Dave, still nothing from your buddy?”

He shakes his head as he looks down at his plate, almost like it’s in defeat. “No… I don’t think he’s going to bite. We’ll need to reassess things in the morning. There are some others that I know but aren’t as close to. I’m sure they can help us out.”

“Great,” Shepherd says, but I’m starting to wonder if this is a dead end. What if we just run? I know my father will continue doing the same shit but we at least tried. It’s not our fault the police are as crooked as him.

But I don’t say anything as I eat. Buddy starts whining to go out, so Dave gets up to let him out. Bear, hearing Buddy going out, scrambles up to his feet and smashes into the leg of the table. Shepherd catches his milk glass in time to watch mine dump over.

“Shit,” I say as I rush to get something to clean it up with. As I grab a dishcloth, I can’t help but notice how homey this place is. It’s nothing like the cold sterile mansion I grew up in. There, we didn’t sit down at the table together or do any of that. Instead, we ate alone. Especially after Brandy left to help Father.

By the time Dave returns we’re finished eating, but we hang around and talk to him a few more minutes before deciding to head to bed.

“You can go first,” Shepherd says, and I head off to the tiny bathroom.

I could definitely get used to a life with Shepherd like this, and I want it so

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