Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,118

for this?”

“No! Please, don’t!”

“First comes the little piggy—”

I yank his sock off and toss it. “Phew. Glad that’s over with. Now take your shirt off.”

“Not until you rightfully deserve it.”

I jump his piece. “Unclothe, bitch! Show me that sexy tum… why the hell are you taking the other sock off?” I cry which just makes him laugh. “Do you not see me nearly naked?”

His grin is now pure evil. “I know, but you look so cold.” And he’s even wearing a sweet little smile as he jumps two of my pieces. “Strip for me, baby.”

I flip him off as I take off my remaining sock and toss it at his face. He pulls it onto his bare foot. “No!”

“What?!” He looks around like he’s just so innocent and cute.

“You can’t consider that an item of clothing now since it’s not yours and you’re cheating!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says. “I jumped you twice, you need to remove two things.”

The only thing I have left on is my underwear, which I pull off. He immediately grabs them and pulls them on over his pants, stretching them out as he beams at me.

“You are now wearing more clothes than when we started,” I say as I glance down at my naked self. “And I’m wearing nothing.”

“Yeah, but you’re a tiny bit of a perv.”

I give him a look of disbelief. “Says the man wearing my underwear… over his pants.”

He starts laughing as he waves at the board. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is how I always wear my underwear.”

I jump his guy right into the end spot. “Mount me.”

“Ooh, kinky,” he says as he puts a checker piece on top of mine before taking my sock off his foot like that’s acceptable.

“Strip an item of your clothing.”

“I just did. I bought your clothes because you’re poor, remember? Technically making them mine.” He jumps one of my guys as I realize I really suck at this game. “I wonder if I could flick it at your nipple,” he says as he flicks the checker piece at me. I snatch it before it hits me.

“I’m going to wreck your ass with my king,” I say as I rush out onto the board with it only to have him immediately jump over it and cackle as he knocks it off the board.

I sink down onto the bed, defeated.

“Strip,” Shepherd says.

“The only thing left to strip from my body is my self-esteem.”

“Oh no, how sad. That’s awful I’m so much better at everything than you,” he says as he grabs the board and sets it on the floor before climbing on top of my depressed husk of a body.

“Maybe a bit of CPR could bring you back,” he says as he starts pressing lightly on my chest.

“I thought you were going to kiss me, and it was going to be sexy and revive me,” I say as I look up at him.

He’s beaming down at me, the smile on his face that absolutely kills me and makes me do whatever he wants. I can’t imagine ever pushing this man’s smile down. He’s just too fucking loveable, even if he’s looking horribly unsexy with my underwear over his jeans.

“You look so sad,” he says as he pokes my dick. “I bet I could make this happy, though.”

“I’d be happier if you were naked,” I say as I snap the waistband of my underwear he’s wearing.

“Alright, fine,” he says as he pulls his shirt off and drops it before sliding his pants, my underwear, and his underwear down. I pat around for his bag, but he must see it because he reaches over to his bag and pulls out the lube. He draws me onto his lap as his hand grips my cock gently, slowly running down it as I kiss him. My hands wrap around him, grabbing tightly onto his back to pull him in close. He presses his hard cock against mine and rubs them together, making me moan against his lips.

Desire rising in me, I squeeze his ass cheek before drawing my hands around his hips to his thighs then to our cocks. As he strokes us, I slide my finger between and around the base before rubbing over his balls gently.

“See, aren’t you glad I won?” he teases.

“I kind of feel like we both won,” I say as I nod down at us.

He kisses me gently before nipping my lower lip and pulling. “Maybe a little,” he teases.


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