The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,69

arm but left it hooked over his elbow. He couldn’t bear the separation from Justin, couldn’t bear for his hands not to be touching Justin’s warm skin. He ran his palms up Justin’s sides, over his trembling ribs, around to his back and then down the furrow of his spine. Justin arched against him, pressed his chest into Wes. Wes nibbled across his pecs and bit down on the hard nub of his nipple, and Justin’s arms flew around his head, holding him to Justin’s body.

He got their jeans open with one hand, got their cocks out and together in his palm. They were both rock hard. Wes hadn’t had an erection since he’d told Justin to forget he existed, and now here he was, aching and quivering and shaking as Justin rocked his hips, drove his cock into Wes’s tight grasp.

He couldn’t last. He whimpered, mouthed his way from Justin’s chest up his neck to his jaw, his lips, and poured himself into another deep kiss, trying to tell Justin with his body how much he loved him, how much he’d missed him. He squeezed their cocks together, twisting his grip and stroking his and Justin’s precome over their heads. He couldn’t hold back, and he whimpered as his orgasm tore him apart, as his come spilled between them, hot over his hand and Justin’s cock.

Justin grinned, kissed Wes a dozen times more, and then dipped his fingers down to collect Wes’s come. He sucked his fingers into his mouth, licking up Wes’s release and hollowing his cheeks. His eyes flashed.

Wes grabbed Justin and spun him, taking him down to the bench seat on his back. He rose between Justin’s legs, tugging down his jeans and briefs. He ran his tongue from Justin’s balls to his swollen purple head, wrapped his lips around Justin’s cock, and sucked him as deep as he could.

Justin keened, and he tried to spread his legs wider. His jeans were still tangled around his thighs, and all he could do was jerk his hips and thrust his cock into Wes’s mouth. Wes groaned, and he popped off Justin’s cock to say, “Do that again. Don’t hold back. Please.”

“Jesus,” Justin hissed. He slid his hands into Wes’s hair and gripped his skull, and when Wes swallowed, Justin thrust his hips up and held Wes in place, sliding his cock all the way down Wes’s throat for the first time.

Wes gagged, and Justin tried to back away, but Wes kept sucking. Hollowed his cheeks and went deeper, harder. “Again,” he gasped. “Don’t stop.”

He held Justin’s stare as he sucked again, and as Justin started thrusting all the way into Wes’s throat each time. Saliva flooded Wes’s mouth, trickled from where his lips were wrapped around Justin’s shaft.

“You love this,” Justin whispered. “You love my cock.”

He tried to make some noise of agreement, some whine or grunt or whimper, but Justin’s cock was in and out of his throat too quickly, too deeply, and he could only gag and suck, seal his lips around Justin’s cock and try to take him deeper. He gripped Justin’s hips and squeezed, ran his thumbs into the hollows of his obliques. Held Justin’s stare and went down, all the way down, until his nose was buried in the curls at the base of Justin’s cock.

“Jesus!” Justin screamed. He threw his head back, holding Wes’s head down, thrust once, twice, and then Wes felt Justin’s cock jerk. Come flooded Wes’s mouth, burning all the way down his throat. He sucked Justin through his orgasm, through the aftershocks, until he was a puddle on the bench seat, lying back with his hands thrown wide, his legs limp and spread.

Wes pulled off and kissed Justin’s trembling belly, the rise of his hip bone. He brushed his stubbled cheek against Justin’s upper thigh, then kissed the crease where his leg met his body. He caught Justin’s taste on the back of his tongue, where Justin’s come lingered in his molars. He hunted it, sucked it from his teeth. Cherished it.

Justin’s hand drifted down. He got his fingers around Wes’s shoulder and tugged. Wes crawled up his body, skin to skin, holding himself above Justin so he wouldn’t smother him. Justin slid his hands over Wes’s face. Held him. Stared into his eyes and deeper, all the way inside him. Wes let him look, even though he wanted to hide. Wanted to bury himself and his shame where Justin couldn’t see.

“You’re a good man.”


“You are. You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024