The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,23

as much as Justin captivated him, then, maybe, Justin would want to keep him.

He took the condom Justin offered and tore it open. He fumbled a bit, flipping it one way and then the other, and his cheeks burned as he tried to position it correctly. Justin took pity on him and guided his hands, remembering to pinch the tip when Wes didn’t, and then rolled it down his hard shaft with a smooth, gentle stroke that left him shivering.

They were all elbows for a minute, getting back into position, Justin on his back, legs spread, a pillow shoved under his hips at the last second. Wes grabbed the lotion and poured way too much onto his fingers. He tried his best to prepare Justin, but all he did was make a slippery mess. He rubbed the rest over his condom-sheathed cock as he lined himself up with Justin’s hole.

“Go slow.” Justin’s fingers squeezed over his biceps. “You’re big. I think you’re the biggest I’ve ever had.”

“Keep talking like that, and you won’t have me. I’ll finish before we start.” Wes bit his lip and tried to stop the heat from curling around the base of his cock.

Justin smiled. He hooked one ankle around Wes’s waist. Rubbed his hand over Wes’s arm, his shoulder. “Make love to me.”

Wes pushed in.

Heat. A clench, a squeeze tighter than his fist, tighter than he’d ever felt, blazing hot. Wes gasped, almost falling on top of Justin. His arms barely held him up. His vision went white, everything blanking for one moment, all his senses scrambled and overwhelmed.

He heard, though, Justin’s hitched breath. His gasp. Saw his neck arch and his chin tip back. Saw his lips go thin.

Only the head of his cock was inside Justin. He froze. “Should I stop?”

“No.” Justin squeezed his arms, dug his fingers into his muscles. Curled his leg, beckoning him fractionally closer. “No, just give me a moment. You’re good, you’re so good. God, Wes…”

He waited, frozen in a pushup, his cock barely inside Justin, all of his senses going wild as he tried to remember how to breathe in and out. He counted off plays, ran passing routes in his mind, replayed drills from practice. Thought of Coach Young hollering at the offense, making them run, and run, and run. Anything except for Justin, looking like perfection beneath him and between his arms.

“Okay,” Justin breathed. “Okay, keep going.”

He slid into Justin all the way, until their hips were flush and he was balls deep, every inch of his cock inside another person for the first time in his life. He shook, and this time he did collapse, falling onto Justin, burying his face in the crook of his neck. “Oh my God…” He felt Justin’s kisses, the touch of lips to his hair, his temples, his forehead, felt Justin’s fingernails scraping up his back. His ankles digging into his spine. He chased Justin’s kiss, found his lips. Kissed him deeply, like he could pour himself inside Justin and stay with him forever.

Movement. The slide of their bodies together. He groaned and rested his forehead against Justin’s as his hips took over. Justin’s legs wrapped around his waist, and his arms looped around Wes’s neck, and his lips captured Wes’s and refused to let go. “Yes,” Justin murmured. “Yes, God, yes. Perfect.” Justin’s words tumbled between their kisses, spilled into Wes like summer rain. He grunted and kissed Justin again. Lost himself to the feel of their bodies merging, Justin surrounding him, holding him. His heart was bursting, so damn gone for this man, gone like he’d made a breakaway and was full speed to the end zone. Gone like he was ready to do this, ready to fall in love with a man, ready to open the door he’d always kept shut and see what lay on the other side. He’d been gone for Justin ever since he’d first laid eyes on him. Every moment they’d spent together, he’d fallen a little deeper, and now here he was. With his first lover. Maybe, hopefully, his last.

Wes shuddered. His first lovemaking was going to be over way too soon. It was too much. Too much heat and pressure and Justin, too much intensity, too much of his heart bubbling over with hope and desire and craving. He didn’t want to leave Justin behind, though. He balanced on one hand and reached down, fumbling for Justin’s hard cock, weeping precome onto their bellies. He stroked, and Justin went Copyright 2016 - 2024