The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,22

lacing their hands together as he rocked his hips and his cock against Justin’s. Justin arched his back, crying out when Wes sucked a hickey into the skin of his neck, when he tugged their boxers down and resettled on top of Justin, their naked bodies flush together.

It was slower this time, in the shadows and the midnight glow of Paris, their hands sliding through each other’s hair and over trembling skin. Justin wrapped his legs around Wes’s waist and gripped his shoulders, dug his fingers into the meat of his back as he tipped up his head and breathed Wes’s name. Wes kissed Justin’s chest, buried his face in Justin’s neck, in the ends of his hair, gripped his thigh and held it to his hip as he thrust. He moved on instinct, making love to Justin with his body, their cocks grinding together against their hard bellies. When they came, it was together, Wes’s lips pressed to Justin’s, Justin’s hands in his hair, Wes breathing Justin’s name as Justin shuddered and shook in the circle of Wes’s arms.

They met again in the middle of the night, seeking each other as if in a dream. Justin was on top this time, Wes’s hands around his waist, helping guide Justin’s body as they rocked and rolled and kissed, and kissed, and eventually spilled onto each other before they fell back to sleep, wrapped in an embrace so tight Wes couldn’t tell where he began and Justin ended. Maybe it didn’t matter anymore.

Paris’s morning bustle woke them, as did Wes’s achingly hard erection. He rolled into Justin’s back, kissed his way down Justin’s spine, worked his way around to Justin’s cock, and sucked him until Justin was shivering and clenching. Wes slipped a finger into his mouth, coated it with spit, and then slid it down and between Justin’s taut ass cheeks. He hesitated at Justin’s hole.

“Are you sure?” Justin whispered. His hand found Wes’s and squeezed. Justin was trembling. “We don’t have to.”

“I want to. I want to do everything with you. But do you want this?”

“Fuck,” Justin hissed. He grasped the base of his cock and squeezed. Clenched his eyes closed. Breathed in and out, slowly. Then he spread his legs. “I do. So, so much. I want everything with you, too.”

Wes held his breath as he slid his finger into Justin’s hole. As Justin’s heat closed around him, tighter and hotter than anything he’d ever felt before. He slid in and out carefully, until Justin told him, “Another. Another finger.” Wes tried, but it wasn’t slick enough, and Justin pawed through his duffel and thrust a bottle of lube at him. “Use this.”

His two fingers slid in much easier then, in and out and in and out. Justin clenched on an in stroke and told him to curl his fingers toward his belly button and stroke again, and when he did, Justin arched like he’d touched a live wire, his thighs spreading wider, his fingers clawing at nothing as he silently screamed. Wes did it again and again, until Justin was a trembling mess, his cock weeping precome onto his belly, his legs quaking and spread, knees pulled up to his chest.

Wes kissed the inside of Justin’s thigh, the crest of his hip bone, the underside of his cock. He slid his fingers out and wiped them on a worn T-shirt before he crawled up Justin’s body and kissed his lips. “Justin?” He nuzzled his cheek. Waited until Justin’s eyes flickered open and he kissed Wes back, soft and slow. “Can I make love to you?”

Justin’s eyes went wide. He stilled. “Are you sure?”

“I want my first time to be with you.” His first time, his first guy. Maybe, a quiet voice in his heart said, his last guy. His only guy. Some of his friends were getting married or were ready to propose. They’d found the one. What if he had, too?

For a moment, there was a flicker of something in Justin’s eyes, a shadow of doubt. Wes searched his gaze, tried to find that hesitation again, but it was gone. “Is that what you want?”

“Absolutely, cowboy,” Justin purred. He reached over his head for his duffel, then rooted around until he found the pocket with the condoms. Pulled one out. More spilled and littered the floor. Wes eyed them, mentally claiming each. Mine, mine, mine. If he didn’t screw this up, if he was a good enough lover for Justin, if he could captivate Justin half Copyright 2016 - 2024