The Jock - Tal Bauer Page 0,101

linebackers boomed from the next row of lockers.

“Wes!” Art shouted. “But he’s been keeping her a secret!”

“Why are you keeping her a secret?” Quinton asked. “Bring her around!”

Wes shot Colton a look as he stripped off his jersey and unhooked his pads. He’d stayed suited up for the interview because it played better, according to the media relations people at the university. He’d had to read a whole manual before the season began about what to say, how to act, how to represent the university. What would get him fined and what would get him suspended or expelled.

“Who is this girl, man?” Orlando wouldn’t drop it. “Where did y’all meet?”

He peeled off his pants and threw everything in his locker, then wrapped his towel around his waist. Everyone was crowding him. Smothering him.

He’d made love to Justin right there, where Josh was straddling the bench.

He shoved through the offensive players he loved like brothers. “I gotta shower.”

“Wes, don’t be like that!” Art shouted. “Why you hiding from us?”

“We just wanna know if she’s pretty!” Patrick hollered. The guys busted up laughing, catcalling and whistling as Wes retreated.

Wes waved his hand over his shoulder and headed for the showers.

Chapter Twenty-One

Justin smiled as he saw Wes heading for the truck, but then hesitated when he saw the strain lining his love’s face.

Wes threw himself through the passenger door, flopping sideways on the bench seat and groaning. He rolled his face against Justin’s thigh and kissed his denim-covered leg. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“You okay?” Justin slid his hand into Wes’s hair. It was longer now, shaggier. He hadn’t cut it since the season began.

Wes squeezed his eyes closed. “Headache.”

“I heard your interview.”

Another groan. Wes dug his face into Justin’s thigh. Spoke into his jeans. His voice was muffled, and Justin had to strain to hear what he said. “She asked me out to dinner tonight. Said she could hook me up with some NFL coaches.”

“Do you want to go?”

Wes rolled onto his back, glaring up at Justin. “What? No way. Are you kidding?”

“If you have a chance to network with NFL coaches, wouldn’t you like to?”

“Now you sound like the rest of the guys.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. Wes reached for Justin’s hand and kissed his fingers, then cradled his hand against his chest. “The rest of the team thought I was crazy when I told her no. But I want to be with you tonight. No one else.”

“It is a little bit crazy.” Justin leaned over and kissed his nose. “But I’m not complaining.” He dragged his long hair over Wes’s face until Wes grinned and chased him for another kiss. “Where am I taking you?”

Instead of meeting outside their homes, Justin had started waiting in Wes’s truck at the stadium after home games. It was easier to head out together directly, rather than fight the crowds and the fans and the parties. It was colder now, and the streets weren’t quite so packed after a game. But the thrill of an undefeated season and having a superstar player had energized the school and the city. The entire state of Texas.

“Somewhere quiet. Somewhere I can hear myself think.” Wes curled his face into Justin’s thigh again. “Somewhere I can be with you.”

Justin turned the key in the ignition and shifted the truck into drive.

Half an hour later, Justin killed the headlights as he headed for the back of the state park’s parking lot. There were no other cars in the lot this time. They were alone.

Gravel crunched beneath the tires. Wes hummed, closing his eyes as he exhaled. “Love that sound.”

Wes hadn’t sat up for the whole drive. He was still sprawled across the bench seat, one leg down on the floorboards and the other bent up at an angle. He’d kept his face against Justin’s stomach and his eyes closed, and when Justin parked, Wes wrapped both his arms around Justin’s waist like he was Wes’s pillow.

Justin cracked the window. Crisp autumn air flowed into the cab. An owl hooted nearby. Branches creaked, their leaves rustling together. Country noises. Night noises.

Wes’s shoulders loosened, and his breathing began to slow. Justin ran his fingers through Wes’s hair again, down the back of his head and up his neck. In minutes, Wes was snoring, his lips parted and pressed into the skin between Justin’s jeans and his sweatshirt. Soft puffs of air blew over Justin’s belly. He smiled, curled over Wes and kissed his temple, and then leaned Copyright 2016 - 2024