Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,52

just run from one end to the other and try not to fall down.” Chance ruffled CJ’s hair absently and it hit me. A pang of a future that I couldn’t see anymore. A wife, kids…

“Look, Daddy.” CJ’s voice interrupted my thoughts. He was pointing to the man closest to us. He pulled out a pair of winter gloves from his coat pocket and put them on, so he matched the goalie.

It pained me, honestly pained me, that CJ was even giving Martins more than a passing glance, but the kid didn’t need my baggage, so I let it go without commenting. Though, I really, really wanted to. Nothing remotely nice or kid appropriate either.

We watched the team for a little while longer. The scrimmage on the field the only noise. Arguably my favorite noise. The buzz of adrenaline and competition. The cheering fans were a nice touch on game days, but not necessary to get the energy flowing through my limbs. I couldn’t wait to get back out there.

“Heard from Adele?”

“Huh? No. Why would I hear from Adele?” My voice sounded tight and too high. I discreetly cleared my throat before I spoke again. “No, not since she left. How is she?” I forced a dismissive and upbeat tone into the question like I wasn’t desperate for any news on her and wasn’t borderline electronically stalking her.

“Good. Good.” He nodded. “At least I think so. Aubrey is worried. I’m sure it’s just her missing having Adele around and projecting. We’re going to surprise her this weekend. Make a road trip out of it.”

“You’re going to visit her?”

He nodded.

My heart hammered in my chest. “Aubrey’s that worried?”

“I don’t know. Says she doesn’t sound like herself.” He shrugged and gave me a rueful smile. “She sounds the same to me, but I haven’t always picked up on Adele’s changes in behavior. I’m sure it’s nothing, but it’ll be good to see her. Surprised you two haven’t stayed in touch though. I thought for sure you’d made a lasting impression.”

I rubbed the back of my neck. Oh, I’d made a lasting impression… I was sure of that, but I wasn’t about to tell my buddy the details. “She’s probably just busy getting settled in New York.”

I wasn’t sure if I was consoling him or me. I still hadn’t heard from her and I didn’t understand it.

It was true that I was used to women falling over me. Even when I was with Cindy, it didn’t stop girls from trying, but I didn’t think the time I’d spent with Adele and the pang of sadness I still felt without seeing her every day was simply because she was unobtainable.

Unobtainable wasn’t all that appealing to me. Not because I wasn’t willing to put in the effort, but because I didn’t want a woman that was playing games. Adele wasn’t. She’d made her choice and stuck by it. I admired the hell out of that, I just couldn’t help but think she made the wrong choice.

The team took a break and CJ got bored. We took him inside to the indoor turf and kicked the ball around with him.

“Nice kick, little man,” I told him, offering my fist. He didn’t know what to make of that, so I opened my palm and he slapped it.

Far sooner than I wanted, Chance and CJ were heading out. I’d enjoyed having them. It gave me some purpose to my day that I’d missed. I walked them out, shuffling my feet as Chance got CJ in his car seat.

“When do you get back? Maybe you two could come back to another practice or maybe a game.”

“Two weeks.”

“Wow, that long.”

Two weeks until I can ask him how she’s doing. Real casual like, of course. Oh, you just got back from your trip. I completely forgot about that. How was it? How’s Adele? Did she break up with that wanker fiancé yet and realize we’re meant to be together?

Maybe while he was gone I should look into moving the fuck on. It might make the news that she’s happy and doing well easier to swallow if I’d found someone I could stand for more than two dates.

Stand was a gross exaggeration. They were all perfectly lovely. They just weren’t Adele.

“Yeah, Aubrey has a fundraiser for the shelter Friday night so we’re going to leave first thing Saturday. Hope to make it there by Thursday and spend a long weekend before coming back.”

“That’s a long drive. Why not fly?”

“Pixy doesn’t like airplanes.”


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