Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,51

wasn’t baiting me today.

“Listen,” he said to my back. “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to talk to you, but every time I walk in a room, you walk out.”

“Yeah, that’s not an accident.”

“Alright, I get it. You’re pissed. It was a shitty thing and I should have come to you straight away. Which is why I’m going to let you have a free shot.”

I finally looked at him. Arms held out to his sides; head held straight. Face sincere and reverent like he was doing me real justice. Gritting my teeth, I threw myself into my truck and peeled out.

My phone rang as I pulled into the garage. I parked and killed the engine before glancing at the screen.

“Hey,” I answered, surprised to see Chance’s name and just as surprised when he actually spoke, confirming it was really him.

“Hey, mate. Long time, no talk.”

“Yeah.” I chuckled nervously. For the two weeks I’d been staying at Adele’s, Chance and I had spent a good amount of time together. He came over nearly every day while Adele was at work to make sure I wasn’t bringing booze or girls back. I’d avoided him since, if I was being honest. He’d texted a couple times to see if I wanted to get together, but I’d blown him off. Too afraid that he might tell me she was happy or that he’d see right through me and know I had not-so low-key feelings for his sister. My poker face was shit.

“How are you? Saw online about the strain. Are you going to be able to play next week?”

Our first regular season game was next Saturday and though I knew I could grin and bear it to play, I most likely wouldn’t be cleared for a couple more weeks.

“Probably not, but I should be back by the end of the month.”

“Glad to hear it.”

There was a beat of awkward silence. If I knew Chance then there was a reason for this call, but he wasn’t spitting it out for some reason.

“How are you? The family? Everyone doing well?”

“Yeah, everyone’s great. CJ is still talking about you. Going on and on about how he wants to be like you someday.”

“Yeah?” I smiled. “You should bring him down to the field. Let me show him around.” I don’t know why it hadn’t occurred to me before. I would have shit myself for that kind of opportunity as a kid. CJ was still a bit young to fully appreciate it, but he’d still be excited to run around and kick a few balls.

“He’d love that.” His quiet chuckle sounded in my ear. “I might take you up on that.”

“Do. Bring him tomorrow. I’m doing activation with the team, but I can take you around while the rest of the guys are training. Should be a light day for them with the upcoming game. Around ten work?”

He hesitated for only a moment. “Yeah, alright. That’d be great. Thanks, Finn.”

“No problem.”

“Alright, well I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Looks like I had less than twelve hours to work on my poker face.

CJ bounced beside Chance as we walked along the outskirts of the field.

“Are you going with the team to Vegas?” he asked, holding on to CJ’s hand to keep him from charging out onto the field.

“No. I’ve got a follow up with the doctor Saturday morning so I’m staying behind, get a few extra days rest. I’m hoping to be training again by the end of next week.”

“Hard to be on the sidelines.”

I wondered if he was sympathizing or if he still missed it. He’d had a career ending injury on his very first game. That’d been years ago, but the look on his face when I glanced over at him watching the guys told me it still struck a chord.

“You guys want to head inside and kick the ball around a bit?” I asked, looking around Chance to CJ. Chance had to tug his hand and re-ask the question to get his attention. The kid was enthralled with the action on the field which made me smile.

“Maybe we let him watch a little longer. Kid is never this still.”

CJ still bounced, but he was at least in one spot.

“Yeah, alright.” I motioned with my head to some chairs at the north end line. Chance and I took a seat while CJ continued to hop around next to us, taking it all in.

“Which position do you play?” I asked him.

CJ shrugged.

“At his age, it’s sort of a cluster. They

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