Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,29

was silly. A dress like this deserved to be worn more often.

There were no new emails from Finn, but there was one from Richard. I tried hard to force the same excitement at seeing my boyfriend’s name. Look, I knew relationships weren’t about the exciting things that happen early on – those get-to-know you moments were the best, but it was the intimacy that came after that was gone that made a relationship. I knew that and I had to repeat it to myself as I opened Richard’s email. It was an invitation for a job interview he’d forwarded from what I could only assume was the headhunter he’d spoke of.

The phone rang while I was re-reading it for the tenth time.

“Hi,” I answered, not bothering to shield my confused tone.

“Did you see the email I sent?”

“Yeah, this interview is for Friday. As in this Friday.”

“Isn’t it great? Madelyn’s good. She emailed over the job post this morning and I looked it over – it’s the perfect job for you. You have the experience and they’re even willing to pay for school. And the best part is they’re looking for someone to start immediately. You could be in New York with me in as little as a week or two. It’s all coming together.”

“I… but…” Words failed me. Frustration, anger, sadness… it was all happening so fast. Too fast.

“Richard, I have a job here. I’m not even sure I can get off for the interview Friday. I like my job here and it’s important to me. I wish you’d let me talk to them before doing this. What am I supposed to tell Harry? I don’t know anything about the other job. What if it’s not what I want?”

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke calmly, “Are you having second thoughts about New York? Is that what this is about?”

“No.” I sat on the bed. “Maybe. It’s just happening faster than I expected.”

He sighed and I felt like an ungrateful child. “Look over the job, talk to Harry, and we’ll go from there. I guess I got a little ahead of myself. I’m just so excited to finally get you there with me. I’m tired of living across the country from my girlfriend.”

“You’re right.” I closed my eyes and nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“I’ll be right there,” he spoke away from the phone and then to me said, “I’ve gotta go. We can talk more tonight.”

I skipped coffee and filling out my gratitude journal, deciding to swing by Starbucks on the way to work. On the drive, I recited the things I was grateful for.

I am grateful for a boyfriend who wants me with him.

I am grateful for how quickly a job opportunity has presented itself.

I am grateful for…

I glanced out the window, taking in the cute waterfront stores. I would miss it here. The beauty, the ocean, my family.

I am grateful to have lived in Hermosa Beach.

But, and this was a big one that scared me a little, so I knew it was especially important.

I am grateful for a new adventure in New York.

I went through my usual routine when I got to the office and then sat at my desk reading the job details for the interview on Friday. Richard was right, it did sound like a perfect opportunity. I’d be a clerk instead of an assistant and the job duties were more in line with the parts of my current job I enjoyed. They were a larger firm and probably had an office manager who took care of the other things I did in my present role.

The salary range was a big bump, though I knew it would be a more time-consuming job, too. Possible travel up to twenty-five percent. They had offices in Paris, Dublin, and London. My head was spinning so fast. It was nerve-wracking but exciting.

I liked my job now and I was good at it. I had a knack for expecting the unexpected and thinking two steps ahead of everyone else. Often, I’d already done things before Harry and the other partners even thought to ask. I was an asset, but New York would be a new challenge.

When Harry got into the office, I followed him in with a bag containing his favorite jalapeno bagel and an iced coffee.

“Good morning. Did you have a nice weekend?” I asked, setting the bag and coffee on his desk.

Harry shrugged out of his jacket and adjusted the knot of his tie while he looked at my

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