Jilted Jock - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,28

bedroom with us. As soon as I put her down, she meowed and circled my legs.

“She’s not going to sleep in here, is she?” Richard eyed the cat warily.

“She’s lonely.”

“You need some love, don’t you?” I asked and picked her back up. I carried her in one arm while I got ready for bed. I moved my hand up to her neck to scratch around her collar, but it was gone. No more diamonds for kitty. Hmmm. I wonder if he’d donated it with everything else.

Kitty purred and settled right in like she was greedy for any attention. She didn’t even flinch while I washed my face, dripping water on her adorable head. It made me wonder how long Finn had been gone. Had he gone out to the bar? Did he go home with some random girl?

I didn’t like the way the possible answers to those questions made me feel, but Finn was a grown ass man who could make his own bad decisions. If he thought sleeping with all of Hermosa Beach was going to cure his broken heart, then far be it from me to stop him. Some things you just have to learn on your own. I’d made enough mistakes to know that.

We went to bed with the door shut, kitty curled up at my feet. We were both still awake when Finn got home – kitty and me, I mean. The open and close of the front door and his footsteps growing closer and then retreating made it so I could envision him walking through the living room and down the hall to the spare room. Kitty hopped off the bed and sat at my door.

“Traitor,” I whispered before getting her and bringing her back to bed with me. Was it petty that I wanted to keep his cat from him because he’d been out drinking and possibly banging his way through his broken heart?

The answer to that was yes. It was beyond petty. Still, I didn’t let go of kitty until my phone vibrated with a new email alert.

November 13, 10:49 p.m.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Thief

Did you steal my cat?

I smiled and tapped out a reply.

November 13, 10:49 p.m.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Reply Subject: Thief

Steal? No. I took her in after you abandoned her.

As I hit send, I heard footsteps near my door. I held my breath even knowing Finn wasn’t enough of an asshole to barge in unannounced. Kitty perked up staring at the door and meowed.

November 13, 10:50 p.m.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Reply Subject: Thief

Give me my cat, I can hear her meowing.

I glanced over at a sleeping Richard and then stood and walked to Kitty. I picked her up and then opened the door revealing a bare-chested Finn wearing those gray sweatpants and a smirk.

“There’s my beautiful girl,” he cooed at the cat, but I blushed like he’d meant me.

I stepped out and closed the door behind me so we wouldn’t wake Richard.

The cat practically leaped into his arms and that had Finn’s smile growing larger as he cradled her to him and petted her head.

“She was lonely. I didn’t know if you’d be coming home tonight.” I hated the jealous tone in my voice. “And how did you get my email address?”

He cocked a brow but didn’t say anything until I stepped back and reached for the door handle.

“You’ve got your whole life in that gratitude notebook – email, passwords, menstrual cycle.”

“You don’t have to read it.”

He chuckled. “Thanks for giving my pussy some love, maybe you ought to see about yourself now. Seem a little tightly wound.” He glanced down my body, his inclination clear.

My face warmed and I opened my mouth to speak, but he turned on his heel and walked away, taking the kitty and his fabulous display of male perfection to his room.

On Monday morning I said goodbye to Richard from bed. It was dark out and my eyes were heavy. He had an early meeting and wanted to prepare so he kissed me goodbye, told me he’d call when he got to New York tonight, and I continued to lay in bed until my alarm went off.

I typically didn’t check my email until I got to the office in the mornings, but I opened it up anyway as I selected what to wear. I settled on a dress that hadn’t seen nearly enough wear for as beautiful as it was. It was one of those items you buy for a special event and then only wear it the once. That

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