JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,112

bed, slapped my ass again. Once he was on the mattress, he rolled me off his shoulder. I felt winded already, while Jacob looked confident— as per usual. I went still, eager to hear a command, eager for him to tell me how he’d take me this evening. He always had a plan, and his certainty was every bit as alluring as his body.

“You’ll let me fuck you however I want to, won’t you?” Jacob asked, corners of his mouth curving up a bit.

“Yes. Absolutely,” I said. Each time I said this, it made me more nervously excited— because he’d already done so much to me, with me, for me, in me— which meant there had to be so much more that I simply didn’t even know to fantasize about.

Jacob rose and took his clothes off, letting his erect cock spring from his pants; I licked my lips and leaned forward. Jacob obligingly guided it toward my mouth as he finished removing my shirt.

“You’re getting good at this,” Jacob said, voice guttural. He took a step forward, pushing more of his cock into my mouth. “Massage me with your tongue. Press hard, right along my shaft,” he instructed.

I did so, and felt his cock twitch with pleasure between my lips. Jacob looked down at me and smiled; he enjoyed me for a few more moments, then pulled away from me and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Come over here,” he said, and I crawled toward him. He tilted my chin up toward him. “You’re going to sit on my cock, Sasha. Would you like that?”

“Very much,” I said anxiously.

Jacob gave me a daring look. “You’re going to wrap your legs around me, and this position— I’ll go deep in you. Deeper than I have before. But I think you can take it, now.”

I nodded frantically— I needed him, I needed him now. I swung a leg over his lap and positioned myself above his ready and waiting cock. I went as slow as I could; his cock rubbed up against my clit for an instant, but Jacob shifted, and it neatly slid into my entrance.

“You’re still so fucking tight, Sasha,” Jacob said, eyes flickering with pleasure. I panted as I continued to drop myself down, his thick cock straining at my pussy. “Go on,” Jacob urged me. “Take it all.”

“I…” I wasn’t sure what I meant to say. I can’t? No, I could, I needed to, I wanted to— but Jacob was right about this position. I felt his cock easing past what I’d thought before was his deepest point, then continue onward. I gasped; Jacob smiled.

“There you go. Good girl,” he said. “Almost there.”

“Almost?” I panted— how had I thought he’d truly fucked me before. I shifted my hips and felt him edge deeper into me.

“I was holding out on you,” Jacob said, leaning in close so he could keep his voice low. “But you’ve got all of me now, Sasha Copeland.”

I nodded, gasping for breath; Jacob was rocking his hips back and forth, and the sensation it caused made the room feel almost unbearably hot. I pitched forward, wrapped my arms around him. Jacob moaned, then placed his hands on my back to steady me.

He stood up so quickly that I felt for a moment like I might pass out—

“No, no, keep your legs around me,” Jacob murmured into my ears. “I’ve got you.”

He did— his arms around me, my legs wrapped tight to him, his cock buried deep inside me. Jacob began to lift me up like I weighed nothing at all, sliding me on and off of his cock. I tried to help— I meant to help— but I was overwhelmed by the feeling of him, of the rays of pleasure he was uncovering with each stroke.

“Come for me,” Jacob said— demanded. “I want to feel you coming with my cock buried in your sweet little pussy.”

I bucked at his words, heat rushing through me, my clit rubbing against the bottom of his torso, his cock grinding against some deep part of me that made me feel like I may split in two. He thrust into me again, lifted me up a bit higher so when I slid back down, his body slapped hard against my entrance.

“Jacob,” I moaned, unsure how loud or quiet I was being— unsure of anything except how perfectly full he made me feel.

“Tell me you’re mine,” he ordered.

“I’m yours,” I gasped.

“You are,” he confirmed, pushing harder into me, grinding

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