JAX (The Beckett Boys #2) - Olivia Chase Page 0,111

a moment, then said, “Playing on it feels like that. I mean, there’s that huge crowd and everyone’s screaming and there’s all those fucking vuvuzelas that people bring, but you don’t really hear any of it when you’re on the field. It’s weirdly silent in-between plays, right before the snap, and then it’s just crashing. Helmets and people and pads and then a whistle blows and it goes quiet again.”

“You really can’t hear any of the fans?” I asked.

“Nah. They’re more like white noise,” Jacob said, still staring at the grounds crew. They were marking off the design that would be painted in the center of the field for the homecoming game that weekend; the Ram was slowly coming to life as they sprayed its outline in white.

“What’s the point then?” I asked. I turned to Jacob, an eyebrow lifted. “All the screaming and face painting and whatnot? What’s the point?”

Jacob laughed. “Have you never been to a football game?”

I blinked.

“Oh my god. You’ve never been to a football game. Ever?”

“Our high school team lost all the time. No one went to their games,” I said.

Jacob shook his head in disbelief. “Thank god you didn’t tell my parents that.”

“Ha. Your parents had plenty against me anyhow,” I said quietly.

Jacob gave a sympathetic smile. “Well, you’ll come to the Clemson game, right? When I’m back on the field? Or are you going to sell the tickets again?”

I smiled. “I might. Playing hard to get worked out well for me last time.”

“You weren’t playing anything. You just were hard to get,” Jacob said, and reached down, putting his arms around my waist. I felt small between his arms, small like the people in the stadium looked, and it felt equally as beautiful to be so.

“Not anymore,” I said wryly. Jacob looked down at me, then reached for the hem of my dress. I lifted my arms over my head so he could lift it off me. He did so, then tossed it aside, holding my eyes hostage in his all the while. The stadium lights licked at my skin, illuminating my right side and leaving my left in shadow. There was something incredibly pleasing about being lit by the same lights that almost sixty thousand people would be cheering under soon.

Jacob lowered his arms to his sides, stepped back to study me in my lingerie— I’d never valued matching sets so much before I met him.

“You’re not hard to get anymore, no,” Jacob answered my earlier words. “But I still can’t get enough of you.”

I licked my lips eagerly, then reached behind my back to unclasp my bra. I rolled my shoulders to shimmy it off, then tossed it aside. Jacob’s eyes glittered; he reached forward and took one of my breasts in his hands, squeezing it gently, running his thumb over my nipple. I shuddered at the feeling, my eyes drifting shut.

Jacob let his hand wander down my waist, and he nudged me to turn around. He took hold of one ass cheek, gripping it so that his fingertips slid under the edge of my panties.

“You’re making me hard, Sasha,” Jacob said accusingly. He stepped forward and put an arm in front of me for support, then spanked my bottom lightly in admonishment. I moaned at the tingling feeling where his hand had struck, at the way it felt like little lightning bolts flickering through my skin.

Jacob made a pleased sound. He drew his hand back and for a moment, I thought— eagerly— he was going to spank me again. To my surprise, though, he swept me up and over his good shoulder, my legs dangling down across his chest, my head bouncing against the small of his broad back.

“Jacob—“ I started breathlessly, but then his hand came down again on my ass, harder than before, but still careful, building up, testing— he was so strong, but he knew how to reign his strength in. I groaned.

“Sasha, Sasha, Sasha,” Jacob admonished. He reached up and tugged my panties down till my bare ass was revealed, then spanked me again, rubbing the spot where he’d struck this time.

“I need you—” I started, unable to catch my breath. He moved his hand down a little, let his fingertips graze my pussy lips. I twisted, trying to push his fingers in deeper, but there was so little I could do turned over his shoulder like this.

“Calm down, calm down,” Jacob said. He walked to the bed and, just before sitting me down on the

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