The Jack of All Trades - M.A. Nichols Page 0,13

remained close to her, his feet and legs tangled among her skirts. Holding her gaze, he found an equal measure of passion burning there as well. Simon tucked her arm in his and led her to the house, sucking in a deep breath and allowing the chill air to calm the blaze in his chest.


Forcing herself to keep a moderate pace, Mina refused to run back to the house. Simon watched her, and giddiness surged through her. Would she ever tire of seeing him gaze upon her with such longing? Whatever fantasies she’d constructed in her younger years, Mina had never been able to truly imagine what it felt like to have such intensity focused on her.

With his free hand, Simon opened the front door, and all thoughts of her husband evaporated at the sight of the servants scrambling about. At the foot of the stairs sat several trunks, and a touch of the winter’s chill settled into her heart.

They had visitors?

Simon helped her with her cloak and bonnet, and Mina called out to their housekeeper as she hurried past the entryway.

“Thank goodness you’ve returned, madam,” said Mrs. Witmore, coming to Mina’s side and directing a passing footman to take their master and mistress’s things. “A gentleman, claiming to be a friend of Mr. Kingsley, arrived not a quarter of an hour ago. Mr. Lewis Finch. Jennings admitted him, and we are readying the Garden Room for him while he freshens up in the Yellow Room.”

There was an unspoken question in the housekeeper’s gaze, asking whether or not she’d done the correct thing, and Mina gave her a nod. “Thank you, Mrs. Witmore. I do apologize for the upset this has caused, but I have no doubt you will have everything in order shortly.”

With as much decorum as could be allotted for such activity, Mrs. Witmore hurried off to direct the maids in their work.

Mina turned to her husband. “Mr. Finch is staying with us?”

Simon gave a pained smile. “He always visits for a couple of months in the winter. I had meant to tell you, but it slipped my mind.”

Months. Not a mere fortnight or two, but months. Though Mina could not claim to have ever spoken to Mr. Finch directly, his words remained fixed in her memory. Mousy and unattractive. The perfect workhorse for Simon’s intended marriage of convenience, too on-the-shelf and desperate to think of rejecting such a cold and calculating arrangement.

“What is the matter, Mina? I apologize for not speaking to you about it sooner, but I truly forgot he was coming,” said Simon, his brows pulled tight together.

Mina’s shoulders began moving in a dismissive shrug, but she held it back, fighting against old habits that demanded she ignore the churning in her stomach. No, this was Simon, and she would not lie to him.

“I do wish I’d had some warning, but I understand it wasn’t intentional,” said Mina. Simon kept a firm grip on her hand, and she twisted her other in her skirts. “I will admit I am not overjoyed at having another of your guests descend on Avebury Park. The last time did not fare well for us.”

Simon already had the pale complexion of one born and raised in Britain, but he grew ashen, his dark eyes widening as he stared at her.

“I hadn’t thought,” he murmured, his eyes darting around the entryway. Then Simon drew close, his gaze fixing on hers. “You have nothing to fear, Mina. I promise I will never allow you to suffer such treatment ever again. Should you wish for me to toss Finch out, I will do so. Without hesitation.”

With each word, Simon’s tone tensed, his words coming faster. His grip on her hand tightened, his eyes pleading with her to trust him. There was such an edge of fear to his expression and tone that Mina wished her words recalled. Yes, the present situation brought with it unpleasant memories, but Simon had spent the last three months atoning for those sins, and Mina had no desire to flog him any further.

“Of course not, Simon,” said Mina, mustering a smile for him.


Never had Simon paid such strict heed to details. His gaze scoured Mina’s expression and posture, looking for all the little signs of her heart. Her shoulders tensed as she spoke. Though her free hand was no longer clenched in her skirts, it had left many wrinkles behind. There was a tightness around her eyes and a twist to the corner of her lips.

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