The Jack of All Trades - M.A. Nichols Page 0,12

my ability to drive.” His voice was low with a hint of a laugh laced through it.

“Am I?” Mina snuggled closer, nudging his arm up and around her.

Though simple, this moment was everything. Peace. Contentment. Love. Joy. She’d never thought to feel so much, and these sentiments settled into her soul, whispering to her that life was perfect and always would be.


No man deserved such happiness. Simon certainly did not, but neither was he going to turn aside the blessing that had landed in his lap despite his bungling. His earlier statement had been true; it was more difficult to drive with Mina cuddled into his side, but there was no other soul on the road, and Simon wasn’t about to ask his dear wife to give him space.

One of the horses snorted, sending out a great puff of vapor, and the bite in the air had Simon freeing one hand to tuck the lap blanket more firmly around Mina. She smiled in return and rested her hand on his knee, and as much as he enjoyed this trip out, Simon longed to be free of the carriage and turn his entire attention to his wife.

Three months of bliss was not enough. Luckily, they had their entire lives, but Simon doubted decades with Mina would satisfy this longing. At times, the strength of it stunned him. He’d gone from being his own man to being a servant to this need. The change had come without warning, and Simon felt like falling on his knees and praising the Almighty that it had.

Simon loved his wife. His Mina.

The marriage of convenience that had proved most inconvenient at times had grown into something far stronger and deeper than “love.” Those four little letters could not contain the emotions thrumming in Simon’s heart.

“What is that smile for?” asked Mina.

Turning his eyes from the horses for the barest of moments, Simon met her gaze and said, “I am so very happy, my love.”

Her hand rose to his face, and the soft leather of her glove brushed his skin. She gave him no words in response, but the warmth in her gaze filled him until he no longer felt the crisp winter air nipping at his cheeks. But one of the horses nickered, and Simon turned his attention back to the task at hand. All the love in the world would do no good if he overturned their carriage.

“You are shivering,” he said, glancing in her direction.

But Mina merely smiled. “I could never be chilly when so close to you.”

Simon grinned in response but turned the pair home. As much as he wished to spend the entirety of their day out in this felicity, he wasn’t about to let her catch cold. Even with the warm bricks and blankets he’d procured for the drive, their journey could not last indefinitely.

Avebury Park appeared far sooner than Simon would’ve liked, but he supposed it was no great loss, either. Though there were duties aplenty to commandeer their attention, perhaps he could convince Mina to throw it all over and enjoy an indoor picnic with him. Lazing about as they ate Mrs. White’s delectable treats and enjoyed each other’s company was about as perfect an afternoon as Simon could wish for. Mina could paint as he read.

Directing the horses towards the stable, Simon tossed the reins to one of the grooms as a pair came forward to take charge of the carriage. He alighted and turned to give Mina a hand down; there was such a light in her eyes as she watched him, as though she held some secret mirth, and Simon marveled that this lovely creature was his wife.

Before releasing her hand, he turned it over and placed a kiss on her palm. Mina’s cheeks were already bright as cherries from the cold wind, but she ducked her head in the manner she always did when blushing. Nudging up her chin to meet his gaze, Simon felt the world fade into darkness around them, but before he could make a move, it was Mina who closed the distance and pressed her lips to his.

Simon’s arms came around her, and Mina held him with equal fervor. He had enough rational thought left to keep the kiss from becoming far more heated than was seemly, even if the servants were trying to remain invisible. Though poets had expounded at length about the power of a lady’s touch, they hadn’t captured the unutterable joy that accompanied Mina’s touch.

Breaking free, Simon Copyright 2016 - 2024