Ivar's Escape (Assassins of Gravas #2) - N.J. Walters Page 0,41

with worry. He’d stopped walking and hadn’t even realized it.

“I was drugged.” They’d managed to slip that by him. He was always cautious, only sipping out of unopened bottles when possible. When it wasn’t, he pretended to drink. “Someone I thought I could trust betrayed me.”

And when he found out who it was, he’d destroy them.

“Worry about that later. We have to keep moving.” She glanced up at the position of the sun and frowned.

“Right.” He motioned for her to continue. If they didn’t get out of here, none of it would matter.

The settlement was getting closer. She skirted it, leaving it behind. The vegetation ended abruptly. Before them was a massive metal hanger that had been constructed on the vast desert flatland. Mounted on top of the structure were laser cannons that could bring down most small ships. He didn’t doubt that there were even more of them positioned around the settlement, maybe even buried in the surrounding desert.

While the rest of the planet was kept in its primitive form, the docking station appeared to be first-class. Security had to be tight.

“This is good. It’s not the same guard as the last time I was here.”

Ivar crouched beside her. “How do we get in?”

“We don’t.”

There was no discussion, no hesitation. Delphi simply stood and strolled onto the path leading to the gated doors.

“Son of Dragarian sloth,” he repeated the curse she’d used. If they made it through this alive, he was going to— He had no idea what he’d do since he wouldn’t harm her. But something. He should be protecting her, not the other way around.

Logic had nothing to do with the emotions churning inside him. He was scared to death. Not for himself, but for her.

“Halt.” A big male armed with a blaster stepped outside the guard station.

Delphi stopped and rocked back on her heels. In her leather pants and a lightweight shirt with a deep v-neckline and her hair bouncing around her shoulders, she was a sight to stop any man in his tracks. “Hey, I need to get to my ship.”

“No one gets inside without a pass from Balthazar.”

Ivar had moved a step forward before he stopped himself. He hadn’t known about that particular security measure. Had she?

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m almost out of credits. I’ve got some food on my ship. Figured that could hold me over until I could win my money back at a game of chance.” Her smile was pleasant and open, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Even her voice was different—the pitch softer, the accent thicker.

His fingers dug into the thick bark of the tree he leaned against.

She stood there with her hands down by her sides. Her only visible weapons were her two knives tucked into sheaths at her waist.

A lump in his throat made swallowing almost impossible, especially since his mouth was bone-dry. The muscles in his legs tensed as he prepared to rush forward.

“You own that rust bucket in the last berth?” The guard slowly lowered the blaster and grinned.

Delphi pressed her hand against her chest. “Is that any way to talk about my pride and joy?”

The guard actually chuckled. “It’s a wonder you made it here.”

“Aye, well, she looks rough, but she’s all heart.” Delphi continued to move closer to the guard. “Hot one today.”

She was fearless, moving into danger without hesitation. Ivar’s heart picked up speed and sweat rolled down his back.

“It’s hot every day,” the guard shot back before swiping the back of his hand over his forehead. “You still need a token from Balthazar to go to your ship.”

Seemingly unconcerned, Delphi shrugged. “I might have a bottle of Andalusan wine on board that I liberated from a former friend.” She paused. “If you’re interested. For your trouble.”

“Liberated, you say?” The man scratched his chin.

Delphi shrugged again. “My former friend wasn’t paying attention to his belongings. His loss was my gain. You strike me as a man who’d enjoy it. Or if not, it would fetch a pretty penny or impress a lady. Not much of a drinker myself. I just want food and a change of clothes.” She sniffed her shirt. “I’ve been in this long enough.”

He glanced around. “It will have to be quick.”

“I can be very fast.” She struck, hard and, indeed, fast. Launching herself at the guard, she had both knives out and slammed into the arteries of his neck. He went down like stone.

Ivar was beside her before she’d yanked her knives free.

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