Ivar's Escape (Assassins of Gravas #2) - N.J. Walters Page 0,42

He grabbed the blaster and checked the charge without thought. It was almost full.

“We have to hurry. Grab his legs.”

He did better than that. He tucked the blaster into the waistband of his pants, hefted the man up, and dragged him into the guard station, ignoring the pain in his ribs. Delphi scuffed up the ground, burying the blood that spilled. Ivar dropped the man on the floor, sparing him a moment’s pity. But if he worked for Balthazar, he knew there were prisoners that were being tortured. That made him just as guilty as the rest of his jailers.

While he dealt with the body, Delphi yanked open the drawers in the small room, tossing aside nutrition bars and beverage containers.

“What are you looking for?”

She gave up her search at the small desk and started patting down the dead man, stuffing her hands in his pockets. With a grin, she pulled out a small scanner.

The key to the hanger.

Beyond those heavy steel doors were her ship and freedom. It didn’t matter where they went as long as they were together. She’d promised the Gravasians didn’t want to hurt him. To discover if she was telling him the truth or not, they had to get off of this planet.

“Lead the way.” He waved his hand. If there was going to be trouble, it was likely to come from behind them. This way, he could watch her back.

She snuck a peek outside before bolting forward. He had to hustle to keep up with her. There was no cover anywhere, by design. They were wide open if anyone cared to look. She raised the scanner, pressing several buttons.

Nothing happened.

They were almost at the door. He pulled the blaster. This might get through the lock, but it would also attract a hell of a lot of unwanted attention.

Delphi was swearing softly, working the scanner. “Come on. Come on.”

Squinting against the powerful sun, he kept his back to her. So far, all was quiet. Too quiet. A certainty settled over him. “It’s a trap,” he whispered just as the door in front of them slid open. Not the small door she’d been trying for, but the large one. It rolled back, the mechanical gears grinding slightly as the heavy weight was pulled away.

A large man stood there, hands on his hips and a scowl on his face. The sun glinted off his red hair and beard. Behind him were a dozen men. All heavily armed.

“Well, well. Leaving so soon? Was my hospitality not to your liking?”

Balthazar had found them.


Delphi wanted to yell in frustration. Instead, she dropped the scanner and held up her hands. Ivar reluctantly released his own weapon, letting it fall to the ground at his feet.

“Don’t shoot.” She swung around and pointed at Ivar. “He forced me to help him.” Ignoring the flare of pain in his eyes, she faced Balthazar.

The only way to get them out of this was if she stayed alive.

Ivar would believe she betrayed him. The pain in her chest made breathing difficult. Focus. If she didn’t, they were dead.

“Now, why should I believe you?” Balthazar strode forward, fury in his eyes. When he reached her, he casually backhanded her across the face. He was a strong man with huge hands. Expecting it, she moved with the hit, avoiding the worst of it. She’d taken harder hits training with her brother.

Dropping to the ground, she curled into herself and moaned.

“Bastard,” Ivar roared. She rolled to her feet and knocked him aside as one of Balthazar’s men shot toward him. The laser exploded into the sand where he’d been standing.

A deep booming laugh filled the air. “A might protective of you, isn’t she? I don’t think you were forced at all,” he told her. The large knife he pulled was razor-sharp, meant to intimidate. He ran the edge of the blade over her cheek. It was as cold as his eyes. He didn’t break the skin but the threat was abundantly clear. They were so close she could smell the whiskey on his breath and the soap he’d used to bathe.

Thinking fast, she flashed a grin, hoping to take him off-guard, and talked fast before he decided to slit her throat. “What can I say? He’s pretty, and there’s a bounty on his head I plan to collect.” If there was one thing that could be counted on, it was the man’s lust for money.

Speculation filled his gaze. “A bounty, you say?” He eased the knife away and rubbed

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