It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,74

Sarah. “And you come too, you’re looking too skinny.” Sarah blushed as she grinned.

“Really? No one’s ever said I looked too skinny before, but I’ll take it. Thanks, Grandma.”

“No worries. Follow me, children, follow me.” And then we followed her to the kitchen. I had a huge smile on my face. I was super excited. I was going to see Lucas’ place for the first time and he was going to cook me dinner. And for all I knew, he’d be cooking me breakfast as well.

Chapter 20

I couldn’t lie. My heart was racing as I reached Lucas’ door. I stood outside for a couple of seconds before knocking. He knew I was in the building of course. I’d had to buzz up when I’d arrived, but somehow I wasn’t quite ready to go in. This was a big step, a really big step. And we both knew what it meant. You didn’t go to dinner at a guy’s apartment and expect nothing to happen. Not when it was the fourth date, not when your sexual chemistry was already off the charts.

I took a deep breath. “Get your head in the game, Gemma.” I gave myself a pep talk and then I knocked. Lucas opened the door about thirty seconds later, a slow, quirky smile on his face as he stared at me and the bottle of wine in my hand. He looked absolutely gorgeous. I could tell he just stepped out of the shower because his hair was still damp, silky and damp, just how I liked it. He hadn’t shaved. I could see a five o’clock shadow on his jaw bone that accentuated just how chiseled his face was. His brown eyes looked at me eagerly, happy. And I smiled, suddenly feeling at ease, not caring about anything else that had gone on during the week.

“I brought some wine.” I held the bottle up. “I was thinking about whiskey, but ... “

“But you don’t drink whiskey, do you?”

“No, I don’t. But that wasn’t why I didn’t bring it,” I smiled.

“Why didn’t you bring it then?”

“Because honestly, I didn’t know what a good whiskey was. I was just going to buy the most expensive bottle, but then I thought, ‘what if I buy the most expensive bottle and it’s not even good and then you don’t even want it, and then...’”

He chuckled. “Oh, Gemma. You really do think things through a lot, don’t you?”

“Are you trying to say that I think too much?”

“Is there such a thing as thinking too much?” he said, and ushered me inside the apartment. “Welcome. I’ll show you around in a second. I’ve just got some sauce simmering on top of the stove that I just need to check to make sure it doesn’t burn, okay?”

“Sure. Go ahead.” I looked around his apartment. It was massive. He must really make a lot of money as a partner. I walked into the living room and saw that he had a fireplace with a fire already going. I held my hands in front of it and rubbed them together. The air was warm and I relaxed. I looked out of the window and I could see the skyline of New York City. In the distance, I could see the needle of the Chrysler Building.

“Wow, nice view,” I said, as I looked around. “Almost a panoramic of the city.”

“Yeah, it’s not so bad,” he grinned. “I kind of like it.”

“Yeah, I’d like it as well if I lived here.”

“I’d love to see the view in your apartment.” he said.

“I don’t actually have a view of anything except for the building next to me. Sometimes I can see a gay couple arguing, but that’s about it. I can actually hear them quite well when they argue. Thin walls,” I laughed.

“You should put up noise blockers on your wall.”

“Put up what?”

He laughed. “I forget the name, but I’ll let you know. But they help with noise nuisance if your neighbors are loud or you’re loud. It lessens the noise.”

“Oh, never heard of them. You’ll have to tell me what it is.”

“I will,” he said from the kitchen. “You want to come in and help me?”

“Are you sure? I’m not the best cook in the world, but what are you cooking?” I walked over to him, sniffing the air. “That smells like tomato sauce. Are you making pasta?”

“Yeah, I am. I know it’s basic. I’m a man. There are only a couple of things I can make well, and that’s steak Copyright 2016 - 2024