It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,62

with anything?” I interrupted him. “Because she’s your best friend, she shouldn’t find other guys attractive?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying,” he looked at me through narrowed eyes. “I’m saying that because she’s my best friend, she will let me think that I’m the most attractive guy that she’s ever seen just because she doesn’t want to hurt my delicate little ego.”

“There’s nothing little about your ego,” I said and rolled my eyes. We glared at each other for a few seconds.

“Guys, I just do not understand why you do not get on.” Sarah threw her hands up in the air. “I mean, really, you’re both my best friends and you are so frustrating. Every time we are together you bicker back and forth. If I didn’t know better, I’d think the two of you were into each other or something.”

“Or something,” I said and shook my head. I was pretty confident that Harry was into her and that she was into Harry and the two of them were too dense to see it. I knew a part of me could help them figure it out, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want Sarah to be with him. He was a douchebag and she could do so much better.

“Okay. Well, Connor will be here soon, okay? Just remember, we just got here a little bit before him and we’re on our first drink. We need to clear this table quickly because I do not want him seeing these empty plates or these empty glasses. Actually, Harry, would you be a dear and bus the table for us?”

“What? He looked shocked. His jaw dropped. He was a millionaire and I was asking him to bus the table. I wanted to laugh out loud at his expression.

“Please, Harry,” Sarah batted her eyelashes at him. “You know Connor’s going to be really suspicious if we have all these empty glasses and plates when he gets here.”

“I’m not the busboy, though.”

“Harry, please do it for me.”

“Fine.” He stood up and grabbed some of the glasses and walked them back over to the bar.

“Wow!” I said looking at Sarah impressed. “I totally didn’t think that he would do that.”

“I know you think that Harry bosses me around all the time, but trust me, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve as well. I can get him to do whatever I want,” she said with a smug expression. “Well maybe not whatever I want, but pretty much whatever.”

“Oh yeah? Well, I’d like to hear more. Do tell.” I leaned forward. This time I was the one that was curious to hear more about her love life. “Has something happened between you and Harry, Sarah?”

“What are you talking about?” She blushed and looked away.

“Oh my God, Sarah.”


“Has something happened between you and Harry?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say anything’s happened, per se.” She looked back at me, her face red.

“What do you mean, per se? Has something happened, yes or no?”

“Well, you know how we like to watch movies and stuff.”

“Uh huh, yeah, which I think is weird by the way, but I’ve told you that several times. I have no male friends that I share a bed with and watch movies together.”

“Yeah, but it’s different. We’ve been—”

“I know,” I cut her off. “You’ve been friends since you were little kids, yada yada. It’s still weird. You’re adults now. You don’t share the bed with your friend.”

“We share the bed all the time.”

“Yeah, but we’re girls. We’re not into each other like that.”

“And Harry and I are not into—” She stopped herself as Harry walked back to the table.

“Okay, these are the last glasses and plates.” He grabbed them and then growled, “I’m not busing the table after this. This is totally not”—

“Shut up,” I cut him off and laughed. “And thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said and rolled his eyes as he walked away.

“So tell me quickly, Sarah. What happened?” I whispered, “Before he comes back.”

“Well, the other night we were kind of in bed and we were watching the movie.”

“Okay, okay. I get it, I get it. And?”

“And he was pretty hard.”

“What do you mean he was... Oh!” My hand flew to my mouth. “Are you saying he was hard, hard?”

“Yeah, he was hard, hard.”

“And you know this because?”

“Because I was kind of on top of him.”

“You what?” I screamed and then looked around. Several people at other tables were looking at me. “Oh my God, sorry, I didn’t mean to be loud, but what do Copyright 2016 - 2024