It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,61


“I’m doing my best to be as good as I can,” he grinned at her. “So what do you girls want to drink?”

“I’ll have a strawberry margarita, please.” I looked at him.

“Sure. And you Sarah?”

“Um, I’m not sure. I think I’m good for now.”

“Oh, come on, I know you want something.”

“Well, maybe a passion fruit martini?”

“Okay, I’ll be back.” He stood up and walked over to the bar. We’d decided about halfway through the date with Lucas, that it was a lot faster to go to the bar and order the drinks ourselves than wait on the waiter to approach the table.

“So,” Sarah leaned forward and grinned at me, “Lucas is absolutely gorgeous!”

“I did tell you that, right?”

“Yeah, you did, but I just didn’t think he would be so gorgeous. Wow!”

“Yeah, he’s really hot. And he was so nice as well and intelligent and thoughtful.”

“And he looked like he knew how to kiss” she grinned. “I’m slightly envious of you. I want someone to just lean forward and kiss me like that.”

“Girl, I wanted him to do a lot more than kiss me, trust me.”

“Well, right now my vote is leaning toward Lucas. Connor has to really be hot and funny and intelligent, if he even stands a chance.”

“Trust me, Sarah, when you meet him he’s going to blow Lucas out of the water. But I mean, I am starting to think that Lucas could possibly be the one.”

“Oh yeah? Why is that?”

“I don’t know. I like that he’s really honest. And I like that even though he wasn’t necessarily looking for a relationship, he seems to be leaning toward it because he finds me to be the right sort of girl, you know? I’d rather be with someone that wants to be with me than just wants to be with anyone.”

“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” Sarah said with a little sigh. “It’s like, you don’t want someone who’s just taking you out because you’re around and you’re a woman. You want someone that wants that special person you are.”

“Exactly. I knew you’d understand.” I heard a beep from my phone and looked down. “Oh my gosh, Lucas just texted me. Listen to this, ‘Had an awesome time with you and your friends. I hope we get to do it again soon. I can’t wait to see you and do more than kiss. Lucas.’”

“Wow.” Sarah grinned. “So he’s stepping up to the plate big time. What’s he mean by “more than kiss”?”

“I think you know exactly what he means, Sarah. I think that my next date with Lucas is going to be pretty hot and heavy.”

“Oh, I can’t wait to hear about it!”

“Me, too. Let me text him back.”

“Wait.” Sarah grabbed my hand.


“What about your fifteen-minute rule?”

“My, oh... you mean the forty-five-minute rule? Yeah, that’s true.” I looked at her and then decided to put my phone back into my bag.

“You’re not meant to text before forty-five minutes, right?”

“Yeah, that’s true. I know it sounds like such a childish game to play, but it really works. If you show you’re too eager, they just don’t want you.”

“Even now, after your awesome date?” She gave me a surprised look. “Are you sure?”

“I mean, I don’t know one-hundred-percent. But, I haven’t had the best luck with dating, so I’m following the rules pretty strictly.”

“Oh yeah, that book you read, right?”

“Yeah. Maybe I’ll lend it to you sometime. Maybe you can use it on Harry because I...” I stopped speaking as Harry walked back to the table, glasses in hand.

“Did I just hear my name?” he said, as he sat down, a smug look on his face. “Or were you just saying how handsome I look in comparison to Lucas?”

“I think not,” I looked him up and down. “You’ve got nothing on Lucas.”

“Oh really?” he said with a little pout, though that wasn’t exactly the truth. Harry was one of the best looking men I’d ever seen in my life. Not that I would ever tell him that. He had a big enough head as it was.

Sarah looked at him and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Harry. You’re still attractive enough.”

“What do you mean attractive enough?” He frowned now as he looked at her. “Who do you know that’s better looking than me? And do not tell me that you think that Lucas is better than me.”

“Would I say that?” she said with a grin.

“I think not, Sarah, because you’re my best friend and—”

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