It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,6

and looked at the screen, I had a message from my boss who was asking me where I was. He wanted me to come in so that I could finish getting a presentation ready for the next day.

“Oh my God, I am so fed up with work,” I groaned. “I feel like all I’m doing is researching and writing, researching and writing.”

“But that’s what you love.”

“Yeah, I love it but I mean, all research and writing makes Gemma a dull girl.” I groaned again. “I have to look for cute clothes for my dates. And I also wanted to get my hair done, and I wanted to get some new makeup. I mean, if I have a date this weekend, I have nothing to wear.”

“You have loads of outfits, Gemma, you go shopping almost every weekend.”

“I know, but I don’t have anything special to wear. I mean, I want to look hot.” I twirled my hair in my fingers and smiled at her. “This is when you say you look hot already, Gemma.”

“I know, but you know that’s true.” She grinned. “You are one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever seen in my life, and you’re naturally beautiful. It’s like you don’t even have to try.” She looked wistful. “I mean, you could be a model.”

“Actually, in my profile, I put that.” I laughed. “If the agency didn’t want to say I worked in a museum, I said they could say that I was a model, but I had to clarify, catalog not runway because there’s no way I could strut my stuff on the runway. I mean, I’d love to but there’s no way that I can.” I laughed. “Though hey, I blame my parents for that. If my mom had married a taller guy, then not only would I be beautiful, I’d be super tall as well,” I stared at Sarah’s laughing face. The girl was practically in hysterics. “Oh my God, I sound like a total and utter bitch, don’t I?”

“You don’t sound like a bitch, just someone who’s confident.”

“Yeah, I guess. But if I saw someone talking like me, I’d think they were a bitch. I should rein it in because I don’t want to scare any guys off. You know how guys take everything so seriously. They might not realize I’m joking around.”

“That’s true. You want them to think you’re all sweet and nice and modest.”

“I mean, I am sweet and I am nice, but I’m not the most modest person in the world. But then with a family like mine, I can’t afford to be because if I don’t blow my own trumpet, no one else is going to do it.”

“That’s true. So are you planning on going on a date this weekend?”

“Well, let’s see. I’d love to. If a guy wants to take me out, I’m down.”

“What if multiple guys are into you?” She grinned. “What will you do then?”

“I mean, I’m only in the beginning process. I’m going to go on plenty of dates and if multiple guys are into me, hey, that’s cool because then I have lots of options and I can see who is the best guy for me.”

“Would you have sex with all of them?” I could tell that she was really curious about my answer the way her blue eyes were gazing into mine.

“I don’t think I’d have sex with all of them,” I said softly, lowering my voice, I didn’t want anyone at the next table to hear me. “I mean, that would be kind of weird. And you know how I feel about being protected when I have sex.”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “You always say that’s a big thing.”

“Yeah, I’m very careful, especially in this day and age. You really do need to be careful. So I don’t know that I’d have sex with all of them, but that’s not to say I wouldn’t do certain things.” I winked at her.

“Oh Gemma, what would you do?”

“I mean, of course, I’d make out. Making out is nothing.”

“Of course,” she said.

“And, you know, maybe I’d let them have a little hand action.”

“Oh yeah?” She laughed. “Up or down?”

“Maybe both.” I laughed, feeling slightly guilty. “Is that bad? Would I be a slut if I let a guy, multiple guys touch me in intimate ways?” I whispered across the table to her.

“No, I don’t think so. I mean, how many guys let many different women give them blow jobs, right? Do we judge them?”

“Exactly. I’m sure these guys Copyright 2016 - 2024