It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,5

dark and handsome. Someone who’s really good in bed, who can make me come all night long.” I giggled as her eyes widened. I loved to say things that got a reaction from people. Maybe it was because in my family, nothing ever shocked anyone.

“Oh my God.”

“Sorry, Sarah, I know you’re a virgin.” I grinned at her shocked face. “I’m just being honest though. I’m too young to be with a man that goes for ten minutes and then starts snoring.”

“Shush,” she whispered at me, looking around the restaurant, her face going red. “I want a guy that’s good in the bedroom as well. You’re not the only one.”

“I know, but I need it so badly right now. I’m in a drought. It has been over a year since I’ve had sex. Can you believe that?” I shook my head. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. I need to meet a man and I need to meet a man like right now.” I laughed. “The hope is that one of these twenty-five men will be the lucky guy to take my born again virginity.”

“Oh, Gemma.”

“I know, I know I’m crass, aren’t I?” I grinned. “I blame it on my Greek heritage.”

“You can’t blame everything on your Greek heritage, Gemma.” Sarah giggled.

“Oh yeah? You wanna bet?” I had a sip of water. “Okay. So do you want to meet for dinner tonight then? You can come over and then we can look through some of these profiles.”

“Yeah, that sounds great.” She paused. “Though Harry said he might wanna—”

“Nope,” I interrupted her. “Unless he’s already made plans with you, you’re coming over. You don’t have to sit around and wait for him to come over.”

“I know, I know. But you know, he’s—”

“No, Sarah, you’re not his doormat, okay? He really takes you for granted.”

“I know.” She let out a long sigh.

“I’m going to help you find a good guy.” I smiled at her. “Or you know what? Maybe you’ll meet a hot guy in England. You know the curators in the British museum have an interest in you. Remember our old professor McGuiness said that?”

“Yeah, that’s true.” She looked thoughtful. “I guess I’ll see what happens. So your place tonight?”

“Yeah, come over to my place, maybe seven, then we can look through the profiles and you can help me set up some dates.”

“Oh wow, so once you say yes, the next step is automatically going on dates?”

“Well, basically all of these guys indicated an interest in me and sent me messages. So the guys that I like, once I say I like them back, will automatically set up dates. Which the guys automatically pay for. So I don’t have to worry about any of those age-old dating questions of what should we do and should I go Dutch? This dating agency is very old-fashioned and they believe that the man should pay for the first date.”

“Oh, that’s really cool.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty excited, like supposedly some of these guys set up some really cool first dates. Like one girl went on a hot air balloon ride, another girl got flown to Paris.”

“No way!”

“Yeah, I mean, I don’t expect to get flown to Paris or anything because it’s not like I’m going to be giving it up, but hey, I wouldn’t mind someone flying me to LA. Maybe go to like a movie premiere or something.”

“That would be really cool. Do you think there’s like a lot of A-list actors and directors on there then?”

“Oh, I’m sure. It costs two thousand dollars for the women, but it was about ten grand for the men to join, so you know the sort of guys that are going to be paying ten grand. Directors, movie stars, musicians, hotshots, you name it, Wall Street bankers. Shit, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the President was on there or something.”

“The President’s married, Gemma.”

“I know, I know. Maybe not the President then, maybe the Vice President or you know, any other politicians, whatever, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re on there as well.”

“I thought you said you weren’t into politics?”

“I’m not into politics, can’t you tell? So I would give those politicians a big no, but hey...” I shrugged. “You just never know if they’re hot and they’re interested in me.”

“Oh Gemma, you’re too much.”

“I know, but all I need is one guy that thinks I’m just enough, and then it will be all fine and dandy.” I was eating another roll when I heard my phone ping again. I grabbed it Copyright 2016 - 2024