It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,41

heard of it. I hope it’s not really famous because I’d feel really ignorant right now. How do I not know any of these things?”

“It’s okay. I guess you focused more on history. But, it was a really interesting story, and it actually won the Hugo Award for Best Story in 1974.”

“Wow. Okay. That’s really cool. What’s it about?”

“So, okay. I’m going to tell you the story, and then I want you to tell me your thoughts. Sound good?”


“Okay. So, there’s a town, and in this town, there lives a village of people. In this village of people, everyone is really happy.”

“I’d like to live there.” I grinned. “Sounding good so far.”

“Yeah. It sounds really good, right?”

“It sounds amazing.”

“Okay, well here’s the twist.”

“Uh oh.”

“One day you find out that in Osela on a farm in the corner of the town, there’s a little boy locked up in a farmhouse in chains.”

“What do you mean a little boy locked up in chains?”

“I mean in the basement of a farmhouse, a young boy is locked up in chains..”

“Why is he locked up? That’s horrible.”

“I’m coming to that right now. So, this little boy is locked up, and he’s miserable. He’s twelve years old and he’s all by himself.”

“Aw, that’s really sad. That’s so young.”

“I mean, I can’t really remember if he’s twelve years old in this story, but forgive me that, okay?”


“So, this little boy is locked up, and you find out that the reason that everyone in this village is happy is because he is locked up and unhappy.”

“Oh, that’s horrible. Why don’t they just let him go?”

“Because if they were to let him go, he would be happy but everyone else in the village would be unhappy.”

“Oh. So, that’s kind of horrible.”

“Yeah. So, say there are ten thousand people in the village. Ten thousand people are happy because this one boy is unhappy. And if this one boy is let go, then everyone will be unhappy. So basically what happens is, people who want to let the boy go, that think it’s wrong to keep him locked up, they leave the village instead of letting him go.”

“Oh. Huh.” I was nonplussed. I didn’t know what to say. “That’s kind of crazy. Why don’t they just let him out?”

“Because they don’t want to ruin everyone else’s happiness.”

“But the poor boy?” My voice caught. “That’s horrible.”

“Well, that’s the dilemma, isn’t it? Do you think the happiness of ten thousand people is more important than the happiness of one boy?”

“Oh man, that’s hard.” I groaned as I thought about the situation. “ I mean, no, their happiness is not more important than his. That little boy deserves to be happy too, but then again, if all ten thousand people would be unhappy if he gets let go, then does it make sense to let him go?”

“Ah ha. So you wouldn’t let him go. You think the ten thousand people are more important than him?”

“Well, no. I’m not saying that. I mean, he deserves to be happy. But if he’s let go and he’s the only one happy and everyone else is unhappy, then it doesn’t make sense to let him go.”

“So he should suffer so everyone else can be happy?”

“Well no, when you put it like that.” I groaned. “I don’t know. That’s really hard.”

“Isn’t it just?” He said. “It’s a dilemma, but that’s what we like to think about as philosophers.”

“So, did you study philosophy then? That’s a really interesting debate and conversation to have. It’s not one I’ve ever thought of before.”

“Yeah. It’s kind of why I got into music.”

“You got into music because of philosophy?” I didn’t understand how that was possible.

“No. I got into music because lyrics, good lyrics anyway, and good music make you think, right?”

“I guess so.”

“Like, think of your favorite songs. What’s one of your favorite songs?”

“Um, you want me to say right now?”

“Sure. Tell me one of your favorite songs.”

“Um.” I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to say “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran. I knew he would not respect that.

“It’s okay if it’s an Ed Sheeran song. I won’t judge you.”

“Oh my God. Are you psychic? I was just thinking about Ed Sheeran.”

“It’s okay. I can introduce you to some better music. That’s what I’m here for.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes, my dear. So tell me, what’s one of your favorite songs?”

“Okay. ‘Shape of You’ by Ed Sheeran.”

He groaned. “I’m trying really hard not to judge you right now. But yeah, that was pretty Copyright 2016 - 2024