It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,38

was nice, and I was glad it was with him.

He was just as handsome and as charming as I remembered, and it was nice being with him. It was about more than that. He had warmth to him that made me feel at ease. And even though he was sexy as hell, I didn’t feel like he was out of my reach, which was nice. He didn’t have that heir of being too cool for me. The waiter headed toward us and led us to the table. I could feel Connor touching my ass as we walked to the table.

“Someone will be with you in a couple of minutes,” the waiter said as we sat down and he walked away.

The room was absolutely pitch black. I opened and closed my eyes and it was exactly the same. I could see absolutely nothing. I blinked and it was such a weird experience. I looked around to see if I could even see a glimpse of light. Nothing.

“Wow,” Connor said. “This is pretty intense.”

“Yeah. I can’t even see like a speck of light. Can you?”

“I can’t see a damn thing,” he said, and I heard something thump. “Oops, I think I just knocked something over.”

“Oh no.” I reached on the table and felt around. “Oh, I think it was just a salt or pepper shaker,” I said as I felt something on its side and put it back up. My hands moved slightly to the left, and then I felt his hand. I stopped moving. His hand reached toward mine, and I felt his fingers brushing against mine.

“Now, what am I feeling that feels so nice and warm and soft?” He chuckled and I smiled at the sound of his husky voice. It sounded even sexier in the dark.

“I don’t know. Can you guess?” I teased him.

“I have a feeling it’s your beautiful fingers,” he said.

“You got it smarty pants.” I giggled and the sound of my voice surprised me. I sounded really flirty and carefree. Most probably the most carefree I’d ever felt in my life. We sat there for a couple of minutes just sort of playing finger games with each other, and then I asked the question that had been on my mind since our first date. “So Connor, were you surprised that I wanted to go on a second date with you?”

“Not really. I figured if you felt as much chemistry as I did on the first date, that you’d be happy to go on a second date with me.”

“So you felt chemistry with me, did you?”

“Do you really have to ask that, Gemma? I think I’ve been pretty obvious in my emails and my texts that I’m interested in you.”

“Well, I mean, you’ve been very flirtatious and trying to sext me, but that doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily interested in something real.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”


“So Gemma, I have a question for you.”

“Oh gosh. Is this another question from the New York Times?”

“No, actually. I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but I’m really interested in philosophy.”

“Oh. No, I had no idea. Really? You really are not what I expected, Connor.” He was so much more than I ever would have expected based on his looks.

“And why is that?” In the dark, his voice sounded even more silky and smooth than in person. A woman could make love to a voice like that. He could read me a story every night and I’d never get tired of hearing his deep drawl.

“I mean, you’re like this rocker, cool guy that wears leather jackets, and you’re into philosophy? It just blows my mind.”

“Yeah. I guess I do have a way of going pretty deep.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. Do you like it when I go deep, Gemma?” He chuckled slightly at the end of his sentence, and I blushed. I was glad he couldn’t see my face.

“Um, I guess I like your deep conversation. Sure,” I said quickly.

“So you like things when they’re deep, huh?” he said again.

“What are you trying to say, Connor?”

“What do you mean, what am I trying to say? What do you think I’m trying to say, Gemma?”

“I don’t know. I’m just a sweet little innocent woman.”

“There’s nothing sweet and innocent about you, Gemma. I’d bet a hundred dollars on it.”

“Oh really? Are you saying I’m not a sweet and innocent woman?”

“I’m saying you’re a hot and sexy as fuck woman. Do I think you’re sweet and innocent? No. Do I think—” He stopped Copyright 2016 - 2024