It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,37

I figured it would be a really cool experience.”

“Yeah. I think so too. I’ve heard a lot about these sorts of restaurants. It’s pitch black inside, right?”

“Yeah.” I nodded as my eyes widened. “We won’t be able to see each other at all.”

“Yeah. That will be interesting.” He looked thoughtful. “I’d like to be able to see your beautiful face, but I guess we’ll still be able to touch each other if we want.”

“I guess. If we want to,” I said shyly.

“Well, you know how I feel about it. You can feel free to give me a massage any time,” he winked.

“Ha ha, funny.”

“And you know what?”


“If you want to take off your top and give me that naked massage, no one will know because it will be pitch black inside.”

“I’m not going to give you a naked massage in the middle of a restaurant. I don’t care if it’s pitch black or not. My top will be staying firmly on. Thank you very much.”

I looked down at my red silk top with the V-neck exposing the tops of my breasts. I was wearing long black leather pants that were starting to feel that uncomfortable sort of tight. I was beginning to wish that I hadn’t worn them, but they just looked so amazing on my ass. I wasn’t going to be able to eat much though, or the button at the top of the pants might pop.

“Also, those pants are hot.” He looked my legs up and down. “You’ve got a banging body.”

“Um, I wouldn’t exactly say that, but thank you.” I blushed. “Do you want to go in?”

“Um, I’m a little confused how this works,” he said with a frown. “If we go in and it’s pitch black, how do we get to our table?”

“Oh, so I was actually reading about this. It’s really cool. They actually have blind people who are the hosts and the wait staff. So they’re actually used to walking around in the dark. They navigate for us.”

“Wow, that’s super cool and super inclusive. I dig that.” He nodded. “Okay, well lead the way.”

“Okay. Follow me. Let’s go.”

He held the door open for me and we walked into the dimly lit foyer. There was a lady standing there, dressed in a purple velvet dress.

“Hi, can I help you?” She beamed at us.

“Hi, we have a reservation for seven.”

“Um, sure. Let me have a look here. What’s your name?”

“Gemma Doukas.”

“For Gemma and Connor?”


“Oh yeah. Cool. Um, just give us a couple minutes and we’ll have you seated soon.” She smiled. “Have you guys been here before?”

“No, this is our first time.”

“Oh awesome. This will be a really great experience. I think you guys will love it. I’ll explain the process quickly. Basically, one of our wait staff will lead you into the restaurant and seat you. As you know, the menu is prix fixe, so we will bring you five different courses, which you will guess and try and see if you can figure out what the foods are. We think this is a really great way for diners to explore their palates and see just how refined they are.”

“Oh wow, I don’t feel like I have a very refined palate at all,” Connor laughed. “Give me a burger and fries, and I’m happy.”

“Yeah. I like a burger and fries too,” I admitted. “But, this will be cool.”

“Yeah. I think it will be really cool. Really good idea. Thanks for setting this up, Gemma.”

“No worries.”

“And if I haven’t said this before, thanks for accepting a second date with me.”

“Well, thanks for asking.” I grinned.

“Okay, you guys. Your waiter is here. He’ll lead you to your table. I hope you have a fantastic dining experience at Eating in the Dark. Thank you.”

“Me too.” I smiled at her, and then looked over to our waiter.

“Okay. So, I need one of you to hold on to my arm, and then the next person will hold on to the next person’s arm. Does that make sense?” The waiter said.

“Sure, I’ll hold on to your arm, and then you hold on to mine, Connor?”

“I’d love to hold on to whatever you want me to, baby,” he said, and I laughed slightly. It was a funny feeling being in such an intimate situation like this. Yes, it was a restaurant, and yes, we were just getting a meal, but we were sharing something new and different that a lot of people didn’t get to do, and it was cool, and it Copyright 2016 - 2024